33 Cute Superbowl Outfits To Win Best Dressed (2024)

Inside: 33 Cute superbowl outfits to win best dressed at the game day party.

Growing up in Texas, there’s nothing like a great football game! Football is part of culture just a little bit more in Texas than everyone else in the nation, but when it comes to the Super Bowl, everyone’s in it and ready to win it. Whether your team made it all the way or not, you’ll find someone to cheer for and find somewhere to socialize and watch the game.

It’s become a social and cultural moment for the nation, and it brings everybody together, even as we cheer on different teams.

I love football, but sometimes my favorite part of the Super Bowl parties is getting to dress really cute and take pictures of the girls while the boys get really invested. We get invested too, but… Not nearly as much as they do obviously.

Sporty cute is always a fun look, and you’re going to rock these cute Superbowl outfits.

33 Cute Superbowl Outfits To Win Best Dressed (1)

If you’re jumping on this train with me, then here are 33 looks for you to make sure that you win the best dress of the Superbowl this year. Wherever you’re partying whoever you’re partying with, you’re going to take the cake for best outfit.

What To Wear For The Superbowl

Wondering what to wear for the Super Bowl? Totally valid question, there’s so many ways you can go with your Superbowl game day outfit. If it’s your team that’s made it this far, you have to go all out and wear a jersey, T-shirt, or at least plenty of team colors.

If you’re just watching the game for fun for the social aspect, like most of us do, you have some options.

Pick a team and still wear their colors, if you feel that invested! There’s so many cute ways to dress up sporty attire and different team colors. The combination of sporty and glam is a classic look that we all love.

If you don’t really care to even pick a team, wearing sporty attire, like a good pair of jeans, a cute sneaker, and a cool graphic tee will always be the best minimum effort outfit for the Superbowl. A jersey dress with trendy cowboy boots is so hot this season! You’re gonna love this kind of outfit, whether you’re from the south or not. It’s a classic, and it reminds us of our college game days here in Texas.

Whether the jersey is for your team, the team playing, or just a random jersey inspired T-shirt dress, this look is sure to win on game day.

Where To Watch The Superbowl

If you’re not tied in on any plans to watch the game with anybody and you wanna make plans for the group, there are some options. If you can get there early enough before the game starts, plenty of sports bars have really fun environments and great food deals and great community while watching the game out and about.

It’s super fun to hop bars or restaurants with sporting themes during the Super Bowl. Everyone is so excited, happy, and ready to mingle on Superbowl Sunday, you’re sure to find someone to mingle with with your friends out and about.

If you want to watch from home, planning a Super Bowl party is always super easy and fun. Just have everyone coming bring their favorite Gameday dish, and you just provide the vibes… And you have a winning Super Bowl party!

Either of these are great spaces to wear your cute ass game day outfit, no matter how many people are seeing it, it’s still a good excuse to dress cute and sporty.

Making Sporty Chic

So we wanna dress sporty, but our fashion girls always wanna make it a little bit chic too.

I’m right there with you.

It’s fun to make different themed outfits, chic, and a break outside of your normal style a little bit. So how do we make sporty chic? if you’re going with a jersey dress outfit, we’ve already talked about the trendy cowboy boots option, but there’s always an edgy leather over the knee boot option, or a really trendy lug sole, or your favorite classic sneakers. Something else is really in right now is Bermuda shorts. It might be a little cold in February, but if you live in a warmer state where the winters are pretty mild, leather Bermuda shorts or light wash denim with fringe terms would be a winning look either under a jersey or a team T-shirt.

Chic is pretty subjective. It can look different for different occasions and under different circ*mstances. It doesn’t have to just mean sleek and clean, it also could be trendy and a little bit edgy, but in a clean way. other mildly sporty pieces, like bomber jackets, joggers, sports hats are always gonna be cool, and subtle ways to support your team while looking in place. Baseball caps are super trendy right now, especially with a nicer outfit we love a little bit of contrast. Maybe invest in a hat for the team you’re cheering for, and throw it on with your favorite chic, casual outfit and let the hat bring these vibes!

There are so many ways to incorporate sporty into your chic closet, so let’s look at some examples later in this post.

33 Cute Superbowl Outfits To Win Best Dressed (2)

Cute Superbowl Outfit Ideas

We all love a good themed party, and the Superbowl definitely falls under that category. Even if it’s nothing team related, just having a sporty vibe about your outfit changes the game and makes it so fun to sit around and chat with the girls while the boys yell and cheer.

1. Sporty Elements
2. Jersey Blazer Layer
3. Tee And Boots
4. Team Hat
5. Cool Layers
6. Sporty Set
7. Hoodie Dress
8. Tee And Heels
9. Leather Skirt
10. Hoodie layer
11. Tied Tee


I love to look cute all the time, but I don’t always love to dress up all the time. Here are some cute casual ideas for Superbowl Sunday.

12. Cardigan Layers
13. Jersey And Boots
14. Adapted Tee
15. Laid Back Black
16. Cute Pieceshref=”https://www.pinterest.com/pin/275845545919366762/”>Little Pieces
17. Classic Tee
18. Team Jacket
19. Sweatshirt
20. Turtleneck
21. Denim Shorts
22. Nikes

33 Cute Superbowl Outfits To Win Best Dressed (3)

Cutest Superbowl Outfits For Women

Girls… This is our time to shine. Want some cute superbowl outfits for the big game day? Here are some examples for you to follow.

23. Cute Cap
24. Leather Leggings
25. Hoodie
26. Split Hem Jeans
27. Beanie
28. Decked Out
29. Cargo Pants
30. Colored Pants
31. Generic Jersey
32. Long Sleeve
33. All The Details

Superbowl Sunday is maybe one of the biggest, most celebrated Sundays of the year in America. Not many holidays fall on Sunday and this should definitely be one. Every year my friends and I advocate for the day after the Superbowl to be a national holiday… We haven’t won this fight yet.

And while I love watching football, some of the best parts are looking cute and celebrating around some food no matter who wins! I’ll root for my team, but at the end of the day, I still had a good time and my outfit was still cute no matter who won.

As you enjoy the food, the company and the party, and hopefully a really great game, and for the title of best dressed with one of these cute Super Bowl outfit ideas.

Need more jersey outfit ideas? 37 cool jersey outfits right here, just for you for any kind of game day.

by Victoria Hudgins

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33 Cute Superbowl Outfits To Win Best Dressed (2024)


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