OpenAM 13 > Developer's Guide (2024)

This section shows how to use the OpenAM RESTful interfaces for direct integration between web client applications and OpenAM.

2.1.1.About the RESTful APIs

Representational State Transfer (REST) is an architectural style that sets certain constraints for designing and building large-scale distributed hypermedia systems.

As an architectural style, REST has very broad applications. The designs of both HTTP 1.1 and URIs follow RESTful principles. The World Wide Web is no doubt the largest and best known REST application. Many other web services also follow the REST architectural style. Examples include OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect 1.0, and User-Managed Access (UMA) 1.0.

ForgeRock Common REST (CREST) applies RESTful principles to define common verbs for HTTP-based APIs that access web resources and collections of web resources.

Native OpenAM REST APIs in version 11.0.0 and later use the CREST verbs. (In contrast, OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect 1.0 and UMA 1.0 APIs follow their respective standards.) APIs covered in Deprecated REST APIs predate CREST, do not use the CREST verbs, and are deprecated in OpenAM 13.

When using a CREST API, you use the common verbs as query string parameters in resource and resource collection URIs.

CREST APIs use these verbs:


Add a new resource.

Create maps to HTTP POST (or PUT).


Retrieve a single resource.

Read maps to HTTP GET.


Replace an existing resource.

Update maps to HTTP PUT.


Remove an existing resource.

Delete maps to HTTP DELETE.


Modify part of an existing resource

Patch maps to HTTP PATCH.


Perform a predefined action.

Action maps to HTTP POST.

The generic _action verb extends the API's capabilities where none of the other standard CREST verbs fit, as in _action=logout.


Search a collection of resources.

Query maps to HTTP GET.

CRUDPAQ is an acronym for the verbs. Notice that reserved words in CREST, such as the verbs, start with underscores (_).

In CREST, you can address resources in collections of resources by their unique identifiers, their IDs. IDs are exposed in the resource URIs as in /users/id and /groups/id. The ID is also in the _id field of the resource.

In CREST, resources are versioned using revision numbers. A revision is specified in the resource's _rev field. Revisions make it possible to figure out whether to apply changes without resource locking and without distributed transactions.

In CREST, you can explicitly request API versions. This means that OpenAM can continue to support older API versions as well as newer API versions as developers migrate their applications to take advantage of capabilities provided by newer APIs.

Interface Stability: Evolving

OpenAM offers RESTful APIs for access and identity management as follows:

  • Token Validation and Session Information

  • Logging

  • RESTful Authorization and Policy Management Services

  • OAuth 2.0

  • OpenID Connect 1.0

  • User-Managed Access (UMA)

  • Registering Users

  • Retrieving Forgotten Usernames

  • Replacing Forgotten Passwords

  • Displaying Dashboard Applications

  • Resetting Device Profiles

  • Identity Management

  • Realm Management

  • Script Management

  • Troubleshooting Information Recording

This section also covers REST Status Codes.

In this section, long URLs are wrapped to fit the printed page, as some of the output is formatted for easier reading. API Versioning

In OpenAM 12.0.0 and later, REST API features are assigned version numbers.

Providing version numbers in the REST API helps ensure compatibility between OpenAM releases. The version number of a feature increases when OpenAM introduces a non-backwards-compatible change that affects clients making use of the feature.

OpenAM provides versions for the following aspects of the REST API.


Any changes to the structure or syntax of a returned response will incur a resource version change. For example changing errorMessage to message in a JSON response.


Any changes to the methods used to make REST API calls will incur a protocol version change. For example changing _action to $action in the required parameters of an API feature. REST API Versions

The REST API version numbers supported in OpenAM 13 are as follows:

Supported protocol versions

The protocol versions supported in OpenAM 13 are:


Supported resource versions

The resource versions supported in OpenAM 13 are shown in the following table.

Table2.1.Supported resource Versions

BaseEnd PointSupported Versions
/json/authenticate1.1, 2.0
/users1.1, 1.2, 2.0, 2.1, 3.0
/groups1.1, 2.0, 2.1, 3.0
/agents1.1, 2.0, 2.1, 3.0
/applications1.0, 2.0
/policies1.0, 2.0

The OpenAM Release Notes section, Chapter4, "Changes and Deprecated Functionality" in the Release Notes describes the differences between API versions. an Explicit REST API Version

You can specify which version of the REST API to use by adding an Accept-API-Version header to the request, as in the following example, which is requesting resource version 2.0 and protocol version 1.0:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header "X-OpenAM-Username: demo" \ --header "X-OpenAM-Password: changeit" \ --header "Accept-API-Version: resource=2.0, protocol=1.0" \

You can configure the default behavior OpenAM will take when a REST call does not specify explicit version information. For more information, see Chapter20, "Configuring REST APIs" in the Administration Guide. API Versioning Messages

OpenAM provides REST API version messages in the JSON response to a REST API call. You can also configure OpenAM to return version messages in the response headers. See Chapter20, "Configuring REST APIs" in the Administration Guide.

Messages include:

  • Details of the REST API versions used to service a REST API call.

  • Warning messages if REST API version information is not specified or is incorrect in a REST API call.

The resource and protocol version used to service a REST API call are returned in the Content-API-Version header, as shown below:

$ curl \ -i \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header "X-OpenAM-Username: demo" \ --header "X-OpenAM-Password: changeit" \ --header "Accept-API-Version: resource=2.0, protocol=1.0" \ 200 OKContent-API-Version: protocol=1.0,resource=2.0Server: Restlet-Framework/2.1.7Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8{ "tokenId":"AQIC5wM...TU3OQ*", "successUrl":"/openam/console"}

If the default REST API version behavior is set to None, and a REST API call does not include the Accept-API-Version header, or does not specify a resource version, then a 400 Bad Request status code is returned, as shown below:

$ curl \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header "Accept-API-Version: protocol=1.0" \*{ "code":400, "reason":"Bad Request", "message":"No requested version specified and behavior set to NONE."}

If a REST API call does include the Accept-API-Version header, but the specified resource or protocol version does not exist in OpenAM, then a 404 Not Found status code is returned, as shown below:

$ curl \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header "Accept-API-Version: protocol=1.0, resource=999.0" \*{ "code":404, "reason":"Not Found", "message":"Accept-API-Version: Requested version \"999.0\" does not match any routes."}


For more information on setting the default REST API version behavior, see Chapter20, "Configuring REST APIs" in the Administration Guide. Encoding

Valid tokens in OpenAM requires configuration either in percent encoding or in C66Encode format. C66Encode format is encouraged. It is the default token format for OpenAM, and is used in this section. The following is an example token that has not been encoded:


This token includes reserved characters such as +, /, and = (The @, #, and * are not reserved characters per se, but substitutions are still required). To c66encode this token, you would substitute certain characters for others, as follows:

+ is replaced with -
/ is replaced with _
= is replaced with .
@ is replaced with *
# is replaced with *
* (first instance) is replaced with @
* (subsequent instances) is replaced with #

In this case, the translated token would appear as shown here:

AQIC5wM2LY4SfczntBbXvEAOuECbqMY3J4NW3byH6xwgkGE.*AAJTSQACMDE.* Realms in REST API Calls

This section describes how to work with realms when making REST API calls to OpenAM.

Realms can be specified in three ways when making a REST API call to OpenAM:

DNS Alias

When making a REST API call, the DNS alias of a realm can be specified in the subdomain and domain name components of the REST endpoint.

To list all users in the top-level realm use the DNS alias of the OpenAM instance, for example the REST endpoint would be:*

To list all users in a realm with DNS alias the REST endpoint would be:*

When making a REST API call, the realm, or realm alias, can be specified in the path component of the REST endpoint.

To authenticate a user in the top-level realm the REST endpoint would be:

To authenticate a user in a realm named customers the REST endpoint would be:

Subrealms are supported and should be separated with a forward slash (/).

For example, to authenticate to a subrealm named europe of a realm named partners, the REST endpoint would be:
Query Parameter

When making a REST API call the realm, or realm alias, can be specified as the value of a query parameter named realm.

To list the groups in the top-level realm the REST endpoint would be:*

To list the groups in a realm named partners the REST endpoint would be:*


When working with a named subrealm of the top-level realm a forward slash preceeding the realm name is required. You should not use a forward slash when using a realm alias.

Subrealms are supported and should be separated with a forward slash (/).

To authenticate a user in a subrealm named europe of a realm named partners the REST endpoint would be:

If more than one of the above methods is used to specify realms in a REST endpoint, OpenAM applies the following rules to determine the realm to use.

  1. If realms are specified using both the DNS alias and path methods, they are concatenated together.

    For example, the following REST endpoint returns users in a subrealm named europe of a realm with DNS alias suppliers.*
  2. If realms are specified using the realm query parameter, they override anything specified in either the DNS alias or path method.

    For example, the following REST endpoint returns users in a subrealm of the customers realm, named asia.* & Logout

You can use REST-like APIs under /json/authenticate and /json/sessions for authentication and for logout.

The /json/authenticate endpoint does not support the CRUDPAQ verbs and therefore does not technically satisfy REST architectural requirements. The term REST-like describes this endpoint better than REST.


When authentication depends on the client IP address, and OpenAM lies behind a load balancer or proxy layer, configure the load balancer or proxy to send the address by using the X-Forwarded-For header, and configure OpenAM to consume and forward the header as necessary. For details, see Section4.4, "Handling HTTP Request Headers" in the Installation Guide.

The simplest user name/password authentication returns a tokenId that applications can present as a cookie value for other operations that require authentication. The type of tokenId returned varies depending on whether stateless sessions are enabled in the realm to which the user authenticates:

  • If stateless sessions are not enabled, the tokenId is an OpenAM SSO token.

  • If stateless sessions are enabled, the tokenId is an OpenAM SSO token that includes an encoded OpenAM session.

Developers should be aware that the size of the tokenId for stateless sessions—2000 bytes or greater—is considerably longer than for stateful sessions—approximately 100 bytes. For more information about stateful and stateless session tokens, see Section9.2, "Session Cookies" in the Administration Guide.

When authenticating with a user name and password, use HTTP POST to prevent the web container from logging the credentials. Pass the user name in an X-OpenAM-Username header, and the password in an X-OpenAM-Password header:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "X-OpenAM-Username: demo" \ --header "X-OpenAM-Password: changeit" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data "{}" \{ "tokenId": "AQIC5w...NTcy*", "successUrl": "/openam/console" }


When authenticating with Windows Desktop SSO, add an Authorization header containing the string Basic , followed by a Base64-encoded string of the username, a colon character, and the password. In the following example, the credentials demo:changeit are base64 encoded into the string ZGVtbzpjaGFuZ2VpdA==:

 $ curl \ --request POST \ --header "X-OpenAM-Username: demo" \ --header "X-OpenAM-Password: changeit" \ --header "Authorization: Basic ZGVtbzpjaGFuZ2VpdA==" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data "{}" \ { "tokenId": "AQIC5w...NTcy*", "successUrl": "/openam/console" }

This zero page login mechanism works only for name/password authentication. If you include a POST body with the request, it must be an empty JSON string as shown in the example. Alternatively, you can leave the POST body empty. Otherwise, OpenAM interprets the body as a continuation of an existing authentication attempt, one that uses a supported callback mechanism.

The authentication service at /json/authenticate supports callback mechanisms that make it possible to perform other types of authentication in addition to simple user name/password login.

Callbacks that are not completed based on the content of the client HTTP request are returned in JSON as a response to the request. Each callback has an array of output suitable for displaying to the end user, and input which is what the client must complete and send back to OpenAM. The default is still user name/password authentication:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \{ "authId": "...jwt-value...", "template": "", "stage": "DataStore1", "callbacks": [ { "type": "NameCallback", "output": [ { "name": "prompt", "value": " User Name: " } ], "input": [ { "name": "IDToken1", "value": "" } ] }, { "type": "PasswordCallback", "output": [ { "name": "prompt", "value": " Password: " } ], "input": [ { "name": "IDToken2", "value": "" } ] } ]}

The authID value is a JSON Web Token (JWT) that uniquely identifies the authentication context to OpenAM, and so must also be sent back with the requests.

To respond to the callback, send back the JSON object with the missing values filled, as in this case where the user name is demo and the password is changeit:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{ "authId": "...jwt-value...", "template": "", "stage": "DataStore1", "callbacks": [ { "type": "NameCallback", "output": [ { "name": "prompt", "value": " User Name: " } ], "input": [ { "name": "IDToken1", "value": "demo" } ] }, { "type": "PasswordCallback", "output": [ { "name": "prompt", "value": " Password: " } ], "input": [ { "name": "IDToken2", "value": "changeit" } ] } ] }' \{ "tokenId": "AQIC5wM2...U3MTE4NA..*", "successUrl": "/openam/console" }

The response is a token ID holding the SSO token value.

Alternatively, you can authenticate without requesting a session using the noSession query string parameter:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{ "authId": "...jwt-value...", "template": "", "stage": "DataStore1", "callbacks": [ { "type": "NameCallback", "output": [ { "name": "prompt", "value": " User Name: " } ], "input": [ { "name": "IDToken1", "value": "demo" } ] }, { "type": "PasswordCallback", "output": [ { "name": "prompt", "value": " Password: " } ], "input": [ { "name": "IDToken2", "value": "changeit" } ] } ] }' \{ "message": "Authentication Successful", "successUrl": "/openam/console" }

OpenAM can be configured to return a failure URL value when authentication fails. No failure URL is configured by default. The Default Failure Login URL can be configured for the Section2.4.5, "Hints for the Core Authentication Module" in the Administration Guide authentication module. Alternatively, failure URLs can be configured per authentication chain, which your client can specify using the service parameter described below. On failure OpenAM then returns HTTP status code 401 Unauthorized, and the JSON in the reply indicates the failure URL:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header "X-OpenAM-Username: demo" \ --header "X-OpenAM-Password: badpassword" \{ "code":401, "reason":"Unauthorized", "message":"Invalid Password!!", "failureUrl": ""}

To specify a realm in your request, first make sure that the name of your realm does not match an endpoint name to avoid any potential routing errors. Then, specify the realm in one of two ways. For example, if you have a realm titled myRealm, you can use it in your request as follows:

  • Using the realm in the URI to the endpoint (preferred method):
  • Using the realm query string parameter:

You can use the authIndexType and authIndexValue query string parameters as a pair to provide additional information about how you are authenticating. The authIndexType can be one of the following types:


Set the value to a composite advice string.


Set the value to the authentication level.


Set the value to the name of an authentication module.


Set the value to a URL protected by an OpenAM policy.


Set the value to an OpenAM role.


Set the value to the name of an authentication chain.


Set the value to an OpenAM user ID.

You can use the query string parameter, sessionUpgradeSSOTokenId=tokenId, to request session upgrade. For an explanation of session upgrade, see Section2.9, "Authentication Levels and Session Upgrade" in the Administration Guide.

OpenAM uses the following callback types depending on the authentication module in use:

  • ChoiceCallback: Used to display a list of choices and retrieve the selected choice.

  • ConfirmationCallback: Used to ask for a confirmation such as Yes, No, or Cancel and retrieve the selection.

  • HiddenValueCallback: Used to return form values that are not visually rendered to the end user.

  • HttpCallback: Used for HTTP handshake negotiations.

  • LanguageCallback: Used to retrieve the locale for localizing text presented to the end user.

  • NameCallback: Used to retrieve a name string.

  • PasswordCallback: Used to retrieve a password value.

  • RedirectCallback: Used to redirect the client user-agent.

  • ScriptTextOutputCallback: Used to insert a script into the page presented to the end user. The script can, for example, collect data about the user's environment.

  • TextInputCallback: Used to retrieve text input from the end user.

  • TextOutputCallback: Used to display a message to the end user.

  • X509CertificateCallback: Used to retrieve the content of an x.509 certificate.

Authenticated users can log out with the token cookie value and an HTTP POST to /json/sessions/?_action=logout:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5wM2...U3MTE4NA..*" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ ""{"result":"Successfully logged out"} the Session Token After Authentication

The following is a common scenario when accessing OpenAM by using REST API calls:

  • First, call the /json/authenticate endpoint to log a user in to OpenAM. This REST API call returns a tokenID value, which is used in subsequent REST API calls to identify the user:

    $ curl \ --request POST \ --header "X-OpenAM-Username: demo" \ --header "X-OpenAM-Password: changeit" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data "{}" \ { "tokenId": "AQIC5w...NTcy*", "successUrl": "/openam/console" }

    The returned tokenID is known as a session token (also referred to as an SSO token). REST API calls made after successful authentication to OpenAM must present the session token in the HTTP header as proof of authentication.

  • Next, call one or more additional REST APIs on behalf of the logged-in user. Each REST API call passes the user's tokenID back to OpenAM in the HTTP header as proof of previous authentication.

    The following is a partial example of a curl command that inserts the token ID returned from a prior successful OpenAM authentication attempt into the HTTP header:

    $ curl \ --request POST \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...NTcy*" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{ ...

    Observe that the session token is inserted into a header field named iPlanetDirectoryPro. This header field name must correspond to the name of the OpenAM session cookie—by default, iPlanetDirectoryPro. You can find the cookie name by navigating to Configuration > Servers and Sites > Server Name > Security and locating the Cookie Name field in the OpenAM console.

    Once a user has authenticated, it is not necessary to insert login credentials in the HTTP header in subsequent REST API calls. Note the absence of X-OpenAM-Username and X-OpenAM-Password headers in the preceding example.

    Users are required to have appropriate privileges in order to access OpenAM functionality using the REST API. For example, users who lack administrative privileges cannot create OpenAM realms. For more information on the OpenAM privilege model, see Section4.1, "Managing Realms" in the Administration Guide.

  • Finally, call the REST API to log the user out of OpenAM as described in . As with other REST API calls made after a user has authenticated, the REST API call to log out of OpenAM requires the user's tokenID in the HTTP header., Sorting, and Paging Results

Some OpenAM endpoints support additional query string parameters when querying the REST APIs to manipulate the returned data.

The query string parameters for manipulating returned results are:


The _queryFilter parameter can take true to return every result, false to return no results, or a filter of the following form to match field values: field operator value where field represents the field name, operator is the operator code, value is the value to match, and the entire filter is URL-encoded.


Supported fields and operator codes vary depending on the endpoint.

The operators codes are as follows:

  • co: contains

  • eq: equals

    Used for matching strings, and supports regular expression pattern matching.

  • ge: greater than or equal to

  • gt: greater than

  • le: less than or equal to

  • lt: less than

  • pr: field exists, field is present


    Do not set a value when using this operator.

  • sw: starts with

Filters can be composed of multiple expressions by a using boolean operator AND, OR, or ! (NOT) and by using parentheses, (expression) to group expressions.

Regular expressions are implemented for some operators, so you can create a filter that includes or excludes certain records.

You must URL-encode the filter expression in _queryFilter=filter.

The following example returns resource types with a name that contains Service and also has a pattern that starts with http:

$ curl \--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \--get \--data-urlencode \'_queryFilter=name co "Service" and patterns sw "http"' \

You can use _fields=field-name[,field-name...] to limit the fields returned in the output.

The following example returns the name and creationDate of all policies in the top level realm:

$ curl \--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \--get \--data-urlencode '_queryFilter=true' \--data-urlencode '_fields=name,creationDate' \

You can use the query string parameters _prettyPrint=true to make the output easier to read.


You can use _pageSize=integer to limit the number of results returned.


You can use _pagedResultsOffset=integer to return results starting at a specified result when using paged results.


You can use _sortKeys=[+-]field-name[,field-name...] to sort the results returned, where field-name represents a field in the returned JSON. Optionally use the + prefix to sort in ascending order (the default), or - to sort in descending order.

The following example returns all applications in the top level realm, sorted in descending creationDate order:

$ curl \--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \--get \--data-urlencode '_queryFilter=true' \--data-urlencode '_sortKeys=-creationDate' \ Information

You can retrieve OpenAM server information by using HTTP GET on /json/serverinfo/* as follows:

$ curl*{ "domains": [ "" ], "protectedUserAttributes": [], "cookieName": "iPlanetDirectoryPro", "secureCookie": false, "forgotPassword": "false", "forgotUsername": "false", "kbaEnabled": "false", "selfRegistration": "false", "lang": "en-US", "successfulUserRegistrationDestination": "default", "socialImplementations": [ { "iconPath": "XUI/images/logos/facebook.png", "authnChain": "FacebookSocialAuthenticationService", "displayName": "Facebook", "valid": true } ], "referralsEnabled": "false", "zeroPageLogin": { "enabled": false, "refererWhitelist": [ "" ], "allowedWithoutReferer": true }, "realm": "/", "xuiUserSessionValidationEnabled": true, "FQDN": ""} Validation and Session Information

OpenAM provides REST APIs under /json/sessions for validating SSO tokens and getting information about active sessions. Token Validation

To check over REST whether a session token is valid, perform an HTTP POST to the resource URL, /json/sessions/tokenId, using the validate action as shown in the following example:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \{"valid":true,"uid":"demo","realm":"/myRealm"} 

An invalid session token returns only information about the validity:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \{"valid":false} 

Validating a session token has the tangential effect of resetting the idle timeout for a stateful session. If session failover is enabled in your deployment, validating session tokens can trigger write operations to the Core Token Service token store. See Section2., "Session Information" for information about how to validate a session token without resetting the idle timeout, thereby avoiding the overhead of writes to the token store.

Note that OpenAM does not reset the idle timeout for a stateless session. Information

You can use REST API calls to:

  • Identify whether a session is active

  • Check the maximum remaining amount of time a session has left before the user is required to reauthenticate

  • Determine the length of time a stateful session has been idle

  • Reset a stateful session's idle time to 0

For these REST endpoints, specify two token IDs. Provide the token ID for the current authenticated user as the value of a header whose name is the name of the SSO token cookie, by default iPlanetDirectoryPro. Specify the token ID you want information about as the tokenId query string parameter of the REST URL. In the examples in this section, AQIC5w...NTcy* is the token ID for the current authenticated user, while BXCCq...NX*1* is the token being queried.

To determine whether a session is active, perform an HTTP POST to the resource URL, /json/sessions/, using the isActive action as shown in the following example:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...NTcy*" \*1* {"active":true}

To check the maximum remaining time (in seconds) of a session, perform an HTTP POST to the resource URL, /json/sessions/, using the getTimeLeft action as shown in the following example:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...NTcy*" \*1* {"maxtime":7022}

To check the time (in minutes) configured for sessions, perform an HTTP POST to the resource URL, /json/sessions/, using the getMaxSessionTime action as shown in the following example:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...NTcy*" \ {"maxsessiontime":120}

To check the idle time (in minutes) configured for sessions, perform an HTTP POST to the resource URL, /json/sessions/, using the getMaxIdle action as shown in the following example:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...NTcy*" \ {"maxidletime":30}

To check the amount of time (in seconds) that a stateful session has been idle, perform an HTTP POST to the resource URL, /json/sessions/, using the getIdle action as shown in the following example:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...NTcy*" \*1* {"idletime":355}

Because OpenAM does not monitor idle time for stateless sessions, do not use the tokenId of a stateless session when using the getIdle action.

To reset a stateful session's idle time, perform an HTTP POST to the resource URL, /json/sessions/, using the isActive action with the refresh=true option as shown in the following example:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...NTcy*" \*1* {"active":true}

REST API calls to retrieve session information do not reset a stateful session's idle time if you specify the refresh=false parameter, which is the default.

If you specify the refresh=true parameter, OpenAM resets the idle time for stateful sessions. If session failover is enabled in your deployment, resetting a stateful session's idle time can trigger write operations to the Core Token Service token store. Therefore, to avoid the overhead of writes to the token store, be careful to use the refresh=true parameter only if you want to reset a stateful session's idle time.

Because OpenAM does not monitor idle time for stateless sessions, do not use the tokenId of a stateless session when refreshing a session's idle time. Properties

OpenAM lets you set, read, and delete properties on users' sessions using REST API calls.

Before you can perform operations on session properties using the REST API, you must first define the properties you want to set in the Session Property Whitelist Service configuration. For information on whitelisting session properties, see Section1.4.19, "Session Property Whitelist" in the Reference.

You can use REST API calls for the following purposes:

  • To retrieve the names of the properties that you can read, set, or delete. This is the same set of properties configured in the Session Property Whitelist Service.

  • To set property values.

  • To read property values.

  • To delete property values. Deleting a property value sets the property to an empty string.

Session state affects the ability to set and delete properties as follows:

  • You can set and delete properties on a stateful session at any time during the session's lifetime.

  • You can only set and delete properties on a stateless session during the authentication process, before the user receives the session token from OpenAM. For example, you could set or delete properties on a stateless session from within a post-authentication plugin.

Differentiate the user who performs the operation on session properties from the session affected by the operation as follows:

  • Specify the session token of the user performing the operation on session properties in the iPlanetDirectoryPro header.

  • Specify the session token of the user whose session is to be read or modified as the tokenId parameter to the REST API call.

  • Omit the tokenId parameter from the REST API call if the session of the user performing the operation is the session that you want to read or modify.

The following examples assume that you configured a property named LoginLocation in the Session Property Whitelist Service configuration.

To retrieve the names of the properties you can get or set, perform an an HTTP POST to the resource URL, /json/sessions/, using the getPropertyNames action as shown in the following example:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...NTcy*" \ {"properties":["LoginLocation"]}

To set the value of a session property, perform an HTTP POST to the resource URL, /json/sessions/, using the setProperty action. Because no tokenId parameter is present in the REST API call, the session affected by the operation is the session specified in the iPlanetDirectoryPro header:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...NTcy*" \ --data '{"LoginLocation":"40.748440, -73.984559"}' \ {"success":true}

You can set multiple properties in a single REST API call by specifying a set of fields and their values in the JSON data. For example, --data '{"property1":"value1", "property2":"value2"}'.

To set the value of a session property on another user's session, specify the session token of the user performing the setProperty action in the iPlanetDirectoryPro, and specify the session token to be modified as the value of the tokenId parameter:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...NTcy*" \ --data '{"LoginLocation":"40.748440, -73.984559"}' \*1* {"success":true}

If the user attempting to modify the session does not have sufficient access privileges, the preceding example results in a 403 Forbidden error.

To read the value of a session property, perform an HTTP POST to the resource URL, /json/sessions/, using the getProperty action:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...NTcy*" \ --data '{"properties": ["LoginLocation"]}' \ {"LoginLocation":"40.748440, -73.984559"}

You can read multiple properties in a single REST API call by specifying an array of fields in the JSON data. For example, --data '{"properties": ["property1", "property2"]}'.

To delete the value of a session property, perform an HTTP POST to the resource URL, /json/sessions/, using the deleteProperty action:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...NTcy*" \ --data '{"properties": ["LoginLocation"]}' \ {"success":true}

You can not read or set properties internal to OpenAM sessions. If you specify an internal property in a REST API call, a 403 Forbidden error is returned. For example:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...NTcy*" \ --data '{"properties": ["AuthLevel"]}' \ {"code":403,"reason":"Forbidden","message":"Forbidden"}

OpenAM 13 supports two Audit Logging Services: a new common REST-based Audit Logging Service, and the legacy Logging Service, which is based on a Java SDK and is available in OpenAM versions prior to OpenAM 13. The legacy Logging Service is deprecated in OpenAM 13.

Both audit facilities log OpenAM REST API calls. Audit Logging of REST API Calls

OpenAM logs information about all REST API calls to the access topic. For more information about OpenAM audit topics, see Section6.2, "Audit Log Topics" in the Administration Guide.

Locate specific REST endpoints in the http.path log file property. Logging of REST API Calls

OpenAM logs information about REST API calls to two files:

  • amRest.access. Records accesses to a CREST endpoint, regardless of whether the request successfully reached the endpoint through policy authorization.

    An amRest.access example is as follows:

    $ cat openam/openam/log/amRest.access#Version: 1.0#Fields: time Data LoginID ContextID IPAddr LogLevel Domain LoggedBy MessageID ModuleNameNameID HostName"2011-09-14 16:38:17" /home/user/openam/openam/log/ "cn=dsameuser,ou=DSAME Users,o=openam"aa307b2dcb721d4201 "Not Available" INFO o=openam "cn=dsameuser,ou=DSAME Users,o=openam"LOG-1 amRest.access "Not Available""2011-09-14 16:38:17" "Hello World" id=bjensen,ou=user,o=openam 8a4025a2b3af291d01 "Not Available"INFO o=openam id=amadmin,ou=user,o=openam "Not Available" amRest.access "Not Available"
  • amRest.authz. Records all CREST authorization results regardless of success. If a request has an entry in the amRest.access log, but no corresponding entry in amRest.authz, then that endpoint was not protected by an authorization filter and therefore the request was granted access to the resource.

    The amRest.authz file contains the Data field, which specifies the authorization decision, resource, and type of action performed on that resource. The Data field has the following syntax:

    ("GRANT"||"DENY") > "RESOURCE | ACTION"where "GRANT > " is prepended to the entry if the request was allowed "DENY > " is prepended to the entry if the request was not allowed "RESOURCE" is "ResourceLocation | ResourceParameter" where "ResourceLocation" is the endpoint location (e.g., subrealm/applicationtypes) "ResourceParameter" is the ID of the resource being touched (e.g., myApplicationType) if applicable. Otherwise, this field is empty if touching the resource itself, such as in a query. "ACTION" is "ActionType | ActionParameter" where "ActionType" is "CREATE||READ||UPDATE||DELETE||PATCH||ACTION||QUERY" "ActionParameter" is one of the following depending on the ActionType: For CREATE: the new resource ID For READ: empty For UPDATE: the revision of the resource to update For DELETE: the revision of the resource to delete For PATCH: the revision of the resource to patch For ACTION: the actual action performed (e.g., "forgotPassword") For QUERY: the query ID if any
    $ cat openam/openam/log/amRest.authz#Version: 1.0#Fields: time Data ContextID LoginID IPAddr LogLevel Domain MessageID LoggedBy NameIDModuleName HostName"2014-09-16 14:17:28" /var/root/openam/openam/log/ 7d3af9e799b6393301"cn=dsameuser,ou=DSAME Users,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org" "Not Available" INFOdc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org LOG-1 "cn=dsameuser,ou=DSAME Users,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org""Not Available" amRest.authz"2014-09-16 15:56:12" "GRANT > sessions|ACTION|logout|AdminOnlyFilter" d3977a55a2ee18c201id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org "Not Available" INFO dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=orgOAuth2Provider-2 "cn=dsameuser,ou=DSAME Users,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org" "Not Available"amRest.authz"2014-09-16 15:56:40" "GRANT > sessions|ACTION|logout|AdminOnlyFilter" eedbc205bf51780001id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org "Not Available" INFO dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=orgOAuth2Provider-2 "cn=dsameuser,ou=DSAME Users,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org" "Not Available"amRest.authz

OpenAM also provides additional information in its debug notifications for accesses to any endpoint, depending on the message type (error, warning or message) including realm, user, and result of the operation. Status Codes

OpenAM REST APIs respond to successful requests with HTTP status codes in the 2xx range. OpenAM REST APIs respond to error conditions with HTTP status codes in the 4xx and 5xx range. Status codes used are described in the following list:

200 OK

The request was successful and a resource returned, depending on the request. For example, a successful HTTP GET on /users/myUser returns a user profile and status code 200, whereas a successful HTTP DELETE returns {"success","true"} and status code 200.

201 Created

The request succeeded and the resource was created.

400 Bad Request

The request was malformed. Either parameters required by the action were missing, or as in the following example incorrect data was sent in the payload for the action:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{"bad":"data"}' \{ "code":400, "reason":"Bad Request", "message":"Username or email not provided in request"}
401 Unauthorized

The request requires user authentication as in the following example, which is missing an SSO Token value:

$ curl \ --request POST \{ "code": 401, "reason": "Unauthorized", "message": "Access denied"}
403 Forbidden

Access was forbidden during an operation on a resource as in the following example, which has a regular user trying to read the OpenAM administrator profile:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "X-OpenAM-Username: demo" \ --header "X-OpenAM-Password: changeit" \{ "tokenId": "AQIC5w...YyMA..*" }$ curl \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...YyMA..*" \{ "code": 403, "reason": "Forbidden", "message": "Permission to perform the read operation denied to id=demo,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org"}
404 Not Found

The specified resource could not be found as in the following example, which is attempting to read a nonexistent user's profile:

$ curl \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...NTcy*" \{ "code":404, "reason":"Not Found", "message":"Resource cannot be found."}
405 Method Not Allowed

The HTTP method is not allowed for the requested resource.

406 Not Acceptable

The request contains parameters that are not acceptable as in the following example, which specifies an API version parameter that is not supported by OpenAM:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header "X-OpenAM-Username: demo" \ --header "X-OpenAM-Password: changeit" \ --header "Accept-API-Version: protocol=1.0, resource=999.0" \{ "code":406, "reason":"Not Acceptable", "message":"Accept-API-Version: Requested version \"999.0\" does not match any routes."}
409 Conflict

The request would have resulted in a conflict with the current state of the resource. For example using the Forgot Password feature and specifying the user's email address as in the following example, where multiple users have the same email address:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{"email":""}' \{ "code":409, "reason":"Conflict", "message":"Multiple users found"}
410 Gone

The requested resource is no longer available, and will not become available again. The URI returned for resetting a password may have expired as in the following example:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{"username": "demo"}' \{ "code":410, "reason":"Gone", "message":"Token not found"}
415 Unsupported Media Type

The request is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method as in the following example, which is attempting to pass basic authentication credentials as form-encoded data rather than query string parameters:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --data "username=demo&password=changeit" \ Status 415...The server refused this request because the request entity is in aformat not supported by the requested resource for the requested method...
500 Internal Server Error

The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request. This could be caused by an invalid configuration in the Email Service, or as in the following example the specified user account not having an associated email address to send the Forgot Password URI to:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{"username": "demo"}' \{ "code":500, "reason":"Internal Server Error", "message":"No email provided in profile."}
501 Not Implemented

The resource does not support the functionality required to fulfill the request as in the following example, which is attempting to delete an entry as a delete action instead of using an HTTP DELETE request:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...NTcy*" \{ "code": 501, "reason": "Not Implemented", "message": "Actions are not supported for resource instances"}
503 Service Unavailable

The requested resource was temporarily unavailable. The service may have been disabled, as in the following example, where the Forgot Password functionality has been disabled:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{"username": "demo"}' \{ "code":503, "reason":"Service Unavailable", "message":"Forgot password is not accessible."}

2.1.2.RESTful Authorization and Policy Management Services

This section shows how to use the OpenAM RESTful interfaces for authorization and policy management. the REST Policy Endpoints

OpenAM provides REST APIs both for requesting policy decisions, and also for administering policy definitions.

  • Under /json{/realm}/resourcetypes, you find a JSON-based API for managing resource types.

  • Under /json{/realm}/applications and /json/applicationtypes you find JSON-based APIs for administering policy sets and reading application types.

  • Under /json{/realm}/policies, you find a JSON-based API for policy management and evaluation.

  • Under /json/conditiontypes you find a JSON-based API for viewing what types of conditions you can use when defining policies.

  • Under /json/subjecttypes you find a JSON-based API for viewing what types of subjects you can use when defining policies.

  • Under /json/subjectattributes you find a JSON-based API for viewing subjects' attributes you can use when defining response attributes in policies.

  • Under /json/decisioncombiners you find a JSON-based API for viewing implementations you can use when defining policies to specify how to combine results when multiple policies apply.

Before making a REST API call to request a policy decision or manage a policy component, make sure that you have:

  • Authenticated successfully to OpenAM as a user with sufficient privileges to make the REST API call

  • Obtained the session token returned after successful authentication

When making the REST API call, pass the session token in the HTTP header. For more information about the OpenAM session token and its use in REST API calls, see Section2.1.1.5, "Using the Session Token After Authentication". Policy Decisions

You can request policy decisions from OpenAM by using the REST APIs described in this section. OpenAM evaluates requests based on the context and the policies configured, and returns decisions that indicate what actions are allowed or denied, as well as any attributes or advice for the resources specified.

To request decisions for specific resources, see Section2., "Requesting Policy Decisions For Specific Resources".

To request decisions for a resource and all resources beneath it, see Section2., "Requesting Policy Decisions For a Tree of Resources". Policy Decisions For Specific Resources

This section shows how you can request a policy decision over REST for specific resources.

To request policy decisions for specific resources, perform an HTTP POST using the evaluation action to the appropriate path under the URI where OpenAM is deployed, /json{/realm}{/subrealm}/policies?_action=evaluate, where realm and subrealm optionally specifies the realm. The payload for the HTTP POST is a JSON object that specifies at least the resources, and takes the following form.

{ "resources": [ "resource1", "resource2", ..., "resourceN" ], "application": "defaults to iPlanetAMWebAgentService if not specified", "subject": { "ssoToken": "SSO token ID string", "jwt": "JSON Web Token string", "claims": { "key": "value", ... } }, "environment": { "optional key1": [ "value", "another value", ... ], "optional key2": [ "value", "another value", ... ], ... }}

The values for the fields shown above are explained below:


This required field specifies the list of resources for which to return decisions.

For example, when using the default policy set, "iPlanetAMWebAgentService", you can request decisions for resource URLs.

{ "resources": [ "", "" ]}

This field holds the name of the policy set, and defaults to "iPlanetAMWebAgentService" if not specified.

For more on policy sets, see Section2.1.2.5, "Managing Policy Sets".


This optional field holds an object that represents the subject. You can specify one or more of the following keys. If you specify multiple keys, the subject can have multiple associated principals, and you can use subject conditions corresponding to any type in the request.


The value is the SSO token ID string for the subject, returned for example on successful authentication as described in .


The value is a JWT string.


The value is an object (map) of JWT claims to their values.

If you do not specify the subject, OpenAM uses the SSO token ID of the subject making the request.


This optional field holds a map of keys to lists of values.

If you do not specify the environment, the default is an empty map.

The example below requests policy decisions for two URL resources. The iPlanetDirectoryPro header sets the SSO token for a user who has access to perform the operation.

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{ "resources": [ "", "" ], "application": "iPlanetAMWebAgentService" }' \[ { "resource" : "", "actions" : { }, "attributes" : { }, "advices" : { "AuthLevelConditionAdvice" : [ "3" ] }}, { "resource" : "", "actions" : { "POST" : false, "GET" : true }, "attributes" : { "cn" : [ "demo" ] }, "advices" : { }} ] 

In the JSON list of decisions returned for each resource, OpenAM includes these fields.


A resource specified in the request.

The decisions returned are not guaranteed to be in the same order as the resources were requested.


A map of action name keys to Boolean values that indicate whether the action is allowed (true) or denied (false) for the specified resource.

In the example, for resource HTTP GET is allowed, whereas HTTP POST is denied.


A map of attribute names to their values, if any response attributes are returned according to applicable policies.

In the example, the policy that applies to causes that the value of the subject's "cn" profile attribute to be returned.


A map of advice names to their values, if any advice is returned according to applicable policies.

The "advices" field can provide hints regarding what OpenAM needs to take the authorization decision.

In the example, the policy that applies to requests that the subject be authenticated at an authentication level of at least 3.

{ "advices": { "AuthLevelConditionAdvice": [ "3" ] }}

See Section2., "Policy Decision Advice" for details.

You can use the query string parameters _prettyPrint=true to make the output easier to read, and _fields=field-name[,field-name...] to limit the fields returned in the output. Decision Advice

When OpenAM returns a policy decision, the JSON for the decision can include an "advices" field. This field contains hints for the policy enforcement point.

{ "advices": { "type": [ "advice" ] }}

The "advices" returned depend on policy conditions. For more information about OpenAM policy conditions, see Section2.1.2.6, "Managing Policies".

This section shows examples of the different types of policy decision advice and the conditions that cause OpenAM to return the advice.

"AuthLevel" and "LEAuthLevel" condition failures can result in advice showing the expected or maximum possible authentication level. For example, failure against the following condition:

{ "type": "AuthLevel", "authLevel": 2}

Leads to this advice:

{ "AuthLevelConditionAdvice": [ "2" ]}

An "AuthScheme" condition failure can result in advice showing one or more required authentication modules. For example, failure against the following condition:

{ "type": "AuthScheme", "authScheme": [ "HOTP" ], "applicationName": "iPlanetAMWebAgentService", "applicationIdleTimeout": 10}

Leads to this advice:

{ "AuthSchemeConditionAdvice": [ "HOTP" ]}

An "AuthenticateToRealm" condition failure can result in advice showing the name of the realm to which authentication is required. For example, failure against the following condition:

{ "type": "AuthenticateToRealm", "authenticateToRealm": "MyRealm"}

Leads to this advice:

{ "AuthenticateToRealmConditionAdvice": [ "/myRealm" ]}

An "AuthenticateToService" condition failure can result in advice showing the name of the required authentication chain. For example, failure against the following condition:

{ "type": "AuthenticateToService", "authenticateToService": "MyAuthnChain"}

Leads to this advice:

{ "AuthenticateToServiceConditionAdvice": [ "MyAuthnChain" ]}

A "ResourceEnvIP" condition failure can result in advice showing that indicates corrective action to be taken to resolve the problem. The advice varies, depending on what the condition tests. For example, failure against the following condition:

{ "type": "ResourceEnvIP", "resourceEnvIPConditionValue": [ "IF IP=[] THEN authlevel=4" ]}

Leads to this advice:

{ "AuthLevelConditionAdvice": [ "4" ]}

Failure against a different type of "ResourceEnvIP" condition such as the following:

{ "type": "ResourceEnvIP", "resourceEnvIPConditionValue": [ "IF IP=[] THEN service=MyAuthnChain" ]}

Leads to this advice:

{ "AuthenticateToServiceConditionAdvice": [ "MyAuthnChain" ]}

A "Session" condition failure can result in advice showing that access has been denied because the user's stateful or stateless session has been active longer than allowed by the condition. The advice will also show if the user's session was terminated and reauthentication is required. For example, failure against the following condition:

{ "type": "Session", "maxSessionTime": "10", "terminateSession": false}

Leads to this advice:

{ "SessionConditionAdvice": [ "deny" ]}

When policy evaluation denials occur against the following conditions, OpenAM does not return any advice:

  • IPv4

  • IPv6

  • LDAPFilter

  • OAuth2Scope

  • SessionProperty

  • SimpleTime Policy Decisions For a Tree of Resources

This section shows how you can request policy decisions over REST for a resource and all other resources in the subtree beneath it.

To request policy decisions for a tree of resources, perform an HTTP POST using the evaluation action to the appropriate path under the URI where OpenAM is deployed, /json{/realm}/policies?_action=evaluateTree, where realm optionally specifies the realm. The payload for the HTTP POST is a JSON object that specifies at least the root resource, and takes the following form.

{ "resource": "resource string", "application": "defaults to iPlanetAMWebAgentService if not specified", "subject": { "ssoToken": "SSO token ID string", "jwt": "JSON Web Token string", "claims": { "key": "value", ... } }, "environment": { "optional key1": [ "value", "another value", ... ], "optional key2": [ "value", "another value", ... ], ... }}

The values for the fields shown above are explained below:


This required field specifies the root resource for the decisions to return.

For example, when using the default policy set, "iPlanetAMWebAgentService", you can request decisions for resource URLs.

{ "resource": ""}

This field holds the name of the policy set, and defaults to "iPlanetAMWebAgentService" if not specified.

For more on policy sets, see Section2.1.2.5, "Managing Policy Sets".


This optional field holds an object that represents the subject. You can specify one or more of the following keys. If you specify multiple keys, the subject can have multiple associated principals, and you can use subject conditions corresponding to any type in the request.


The value is the SSO token ID string for the subject, returned for example on successful authentication as described in, .


The value is a JWT string.


The value is an object (map) of JWT claims to their values.

If you do not specify the subject, OpenAM uses the SSO token ID of the subject making the request.


This optional field holds a map of keys to lists of values.

If you do not specify the environment, the default is an empty map.

The example below requests policy decisions for The iPlanetDirectoryPro header sets the SSO token for a user who has access to perform the operation, and the subject takes the SSO token of the user who wants to access a resource.

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5...NDU1*" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{ "resource": "", "subject": { "ssoToken": "AQIC5...zE4*" } }' \[ { "resource" : "", "actions" : { "GET" : true, "OPTIONS" : true, "HEAD" : true }, "attributes" : { }, "advices" : { }}, { "resource" : "*", "actions" : { "POST" : false, "PATCH" : false, "GET" : true, "DELETE" : true, "OPTIONS" : true, "HEAD" : true, "PUT" : true }, "attributes" : { "myStaticAttr" : [ "myStaticValue" ] }, "advices" : { }}, { "resource" : "*?*", "actions" : { "POST" : false, "PATCH" : false, "GET" : false, "DELETE" : false, "OPTIONS" : true, "HEAD" : false, "PUT" : false }, "attributes" : { }, "advices" : { "AuthLevelConditionAdvice" : [ "3" ] }} ]

Notice that OpenAM returns decisions not only for the specified resource, but also for matching resource names in the tree whose root is the specified resource.

In the JSON list of decisions returned for each resource, OpenAM includes these fields.


A resource name whose root is the resource specified in the request.

The decisions returned are not guaranteed to be in the same order as the resources were requested.


A map of action name keys to Boolean values that indicate whether the action is allowed (true) or denied (false) for the specified resource.

In the example, for matching resources with a query string only HTTP OPTIONS is allowed according to the policies configured.


A map of attribute names to their values, if any response attributes are returned according to applicable policies.

In the example, the policy that applies to* causes a static attribute to be returned.


A map of advice names to their values, if any advice is returned according to applicable policies.

The "advices" field can provide hints regarding what OpenAM needs to take the authorization decision.

In the example, the policy that applies to resources with a query string requests that the subject be authenticated at an authentication level of at least 3.

Notice that with the "advices" field present, no "advices" appear in the JSON response.

{ "advices": { "AuthLevelConditionAdvice": [ "3" ] }}

You can use the query string parameters _prettyPrint=true to make the output easier to read, and _fields=field-name[,field-name...] to limit the fields returned in the output. Resource Types

This section describes the process of using the OpenAM REST API for managing resource types, which define a template for the resources that policies apply to, and the actions associated with those resources.

For information on creating resource types by using the OpenAM console, see Section3.1.1, "OpenAM Resource Types, Policy Sets, and Policies" in the Administration Guide.

OpenAM provides the resourcetypes REST endpoint for the following:

  • Section2., "Querying Resource Types"

  • Section2., "Reading a Specific Resource Type"

  • Section2., "Creating a Resource Type"

  • Section2., "Updating a Resource Type"

  • Section2., "Deleting a Specific Resource Type"

Resource types are realm specific, hence the URI for the resource types API can contain a realm component, such as /json{/realm}/resourcetypes. If the realm is not specified in the URI, the top level realm is used.

Resource types are represented in JSON and take the following form. Resource types are built from standard JSON objects and values (strings, numbers, objects, sets, arrays, true, false, and null). Each resource type has a unique, system-generated UUID, which must be used when modifying existing resource types. Renaming a resource type will not affect the UUID.

{ "uuid": "12345a67-8f0b-123c-45de-6fab78cd01e2", "name": "URL", "description": "The built-in URL Resource Type available to OpenAM Policies.", "patterns": [ "*://*:*/*?*", "*://*:*/*" ], "actions": { "POST": true, "PATCH": true, "GET": true, "DELETE": true, "OPTIONS": true, "HEAD": true, "PUT": true }, "createdBy": "id=dsameuser,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "creationDate": 1422892465848, "lastModifiedBy": "id=dsameuser,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "lastModifiedDate": 1422892465848}

The values for the fields shown in the description are explained below:


String matching the unique identifier OpenAM generated for the resource type when created.


The name provided for the resource type.


An optional text string to help identify the resource type.


An array of resource patterns specifying individual URLs or resource names to protect.

For more information on patterns in resource types and policies, see Section3.3.4, "Specifying Resource Patterns with Wildcards" in the Administration Guide


Set of string action names, each set to a boolean indicating whether the action is allowed.


A string containing the universal identifier DN of the subject that created the resource type.


An integer containing the creation date and time, in ISO 8601 format.


A string containing the universal identifier DN of the subject that most recently updated the resource type.

If the resource type has not been modified since it was created, this will be the same value as createdBy.


An string containing the last modified date and time, in ISO 8601 format.

If the resource type has not been modified since it was created, this will be the same value as creationDate. Resource Types

To list all the resource types in a realm, perform an HTTP GET to the /json{/realm}/resourcetypes endpoint, with a _queryFilter parameter set to true.


If the realm is not specified in the URL, OpenAM returns resource types in the top level realm.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an Administrator user who has access to perform the operation.

$ curl \--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \{ "result": [ { "uuid": "12345a67-8f0b-123c-45de-6fab78cd01e3", "name": "LIGHTS", "description": "", "patterns": [ "light://*/*" ], "actions": { "switch_off": true, "switch_on": true }, "createdBy": "id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "creationDate": 1431013059131, "lastModifiedBy": "id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "lastModifiedDate": 1431013069803 } ], "resultCount": 1, "pagedResultsCookie": null, "remainingPagedResults": 0}

Additional query strings can be specified to alter the returned results. For more information, see Section2.1.1.6, "Filtering, Sorting, and Paging Results".

Table2.2.Supported _queryFilter Fields and Operators

FieldSupported Operators
uuid Equals (eq), Contains (co), Starts with (sw)
name Equals (eq), Contains (co), Starts with (sw)
description Equals (eq), Contains (co), Starts with (sw)
patterns Equals (eq), Contains (co), Starts with (sw)
actions Equals (eq), Contains (co), Starts with (sw) a Specific Resource Type

To read an individual resource types in a realm, perform an HTTP GET to the /json{/realm}/resourcetypes endpoint, and specify the UUID in the URL.


If the realm is not specified in the URL, OpenAM uses the top level realm.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an Administrator user who has access to perform the operation.

$ curl \--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \{ "uuid": "12345a67-8f0b-123c-45de-6fab78cd01e3", "name": "LIGHTS", "description": "", "patterns": [ "light://*/*" ], "actions": { "switch_off": true, "switch_on": true }, "createdBy": "id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "creationDate": 1431013059131, "lastModifiedBy": "id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "lastModifiedDate": 1431013069803} a Resource Type

To create a resource type in a realm, perform an HTTP POST to the /json{/realm}/resourcetypes endpoint, with an _action parameter set to create. Include a JSON representation of the resource type in the POST data.


If the realm is not specified in the URL, OpenAM creates the resource type in the top level realm.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an Administrator user who has access to perform the operation.

Do not use special characters within resource type, policy,or policy set names (for example, "my+resource+type") when using the consoleor REST endpoints. Using the special characters listed below causesOpenAM to return a 400 Bad Request error.The special characters are: double quotes ("), plussign (+), comma (,),less than (<), equals (=), greaterthan (>), backslash (\), forward slash(/), semicolon (;), andnull (\u0000).

$ curl \--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \--request POST \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--data '{ "name": "My Resource Type", "actions": { "LEFT": true, "RIGHT": true, "UP": true, "DOWN": true }, "patterns": [ "http://device/location/*" ]}' \{ "uuid": "12345a67-8f0b-123c-45de-6fab78cd01e4", "name": "My Resource Type", "description": null, "patterns": [ "http://device/location/*" ], "actions": { "RIGHT": true, "DOWN": true, "UP": true, "LEFT": true }, "createdBy": "id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "creationDate": 1431099940616, "lastModifiedBy": "id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "lastModifiedDate": 1431099940616} a Resource Type

To update an individual resource type in a realm, perform an HTTP PUT to the /json{/realm}/resourcetypes endpoint, and specify the UUID in both the URL and the PUT body. Include a JSON representation of the updated resource type in the PUT data, alongside the UUID.


If the realm is not specified in the URL, OpenAM uses the top level realm.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an Administrator user who has access to perform the operation.

Do not use special characters within resource type, policy,or policy set names (for example, "my+resource+type") when using the consoleor REST endpoints. Using the special characters listed below causesOpenAM to return a 400 Bad Request error.The special characters are: double quotes ("), plussign (+), comma (,),less than (<), equals (=), greaterthan (>), backslash (\), forward slash(/), semicolon (;), andnull (\u0000).

$ curl \--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \--request PUT \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--data '{ "uuid": "12345a67-8f0b-123c-45de-6fab78cd01e4", "name": "My Updated Resource Type", "actions": { "LEFT": false, "RIGHT": false, "UP": false, "DOWN": false }, "patterns": [ "http://device/location/*" ]}' \{ "uuid": "12345a67-8f0b-123c-45de-6fab78cd01e4", "name": "My Updated Resource Type", "description": null, "patterns": [ "http://device/location/*" ], "actions": { "RIGHT": false, "DOWN": false, "UP": false, "LEFT": false }, "createdBy": "id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "creationDate": 1431099940616, "lastModifiedBy": "id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "lastModifiedDate": 1431101016427} a Specific Resource Type

To delete an individual resource types in a realm, perform an HTTP DELETE to the /json{/realm}/resourcetypes endpoint, and specify the UUID in the URL.


If the realm is not specified in the URL, OpenAM uses the top level realm.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an Administrator user who has access to perform the operation.

$ curl \--request DELETE \--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \{}

You can only delete resource types that are not being used by a policy set or policy. Trying to delete a resource type that is in use will return an HTTP 409 Conflict status code, with a message such as:

{ "code": 409, "reason": "Conflict", "message": "Unable to remove resource type 12345a67-8f0b-123c-45de-6fab78cd01e4 because it is referenced in the policy model."}

Remove the resource type from any associated policy sets or policies to be able to delete it. Application Types

Application types act as templates for policy sets, and define how to compare resources and index policies. OpenAM provides a default application type that represents web resources called iPlanetAMWebAgentService. OpenAM policy agents use a default policy set that is based on this type, which is also called iPlanetAMWebAgentService.

OpenAM provides the applicationtypes REST endpoint for the following:

  • Section2., "Querying Application Types"

  • Section2., "Reading a Specific Application Type"

Applications types are server-wide, and do not differ by realm. Hence the URI for the application types API does not contain a realm component, but is /json/applicationtypes.

Application type resources are represented in JSON and take the following form. Application type resources are built from standard JSON objects and values (strings, numbers, objects, arrays, true, false, and null).

{ "name": "iPlanetAMWebAgentService", "actions": { "POST": true, "PATCH": true, "GET": true, "DELETE": true, "OPTIONS": true, "PUT": true, "HEAD": true }, "resourceComparator": "com.sun.identity.entitlement.URLResourceName", "saveIndex": "org.forgerock.openam.entitlement.indextree.TreeSaveIndex", "searchIndex": "org.forgerock.openam.entitlement.indextree.TreeSearchIndex", "applicationClassName": "com.sun.identity.entitlement.Application"}

The values for the fields shown in the description are explained below:


The name provided for the application type.


Set of string action names, each set to a boolean indicating whether the action is allowed.


Class name of the resource comparator implementation used in the context of this application type.

The following implementations are available:


Class name of the implementation for creating indexes for resource names, such as "com.sun.identity.entitlement.util.ResourceNameIndexGenerator" for URL resource names.


Class name of the implementation for searching indexes for resource names, such as "com.sun.identity.entitlement.util.ResourceNameSplitter" for URL resource names.


Class name of the application type implementation, such as "com.sun.identity.entitlement.Application". Application Types

To list all application types, perform an HTTP GET to the /json/applicationtypes endpoint, with a _queryFilter parameter set to true.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an Administrator user who has access to perform the operation.

$ curl \--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \{ "result" : [ ... application types ... ], "resultCount" : 8, "pagedResultsCookie" : null, "remainingPagedResults" : -1}

Additional query strings can be specified to alter the returned results. For more information, see Section2.1.1.6, "Filtering, Sorting, and Paging Results". a Specific Application Type

To read an individual application type, perform an HTTP GET to the /json/applicationtypes endpoint, and specify the application type name in the URL.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an Administrator user who has access to perform the operation.

$ curl \--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \{ "name": "iPlanetAMWebAgentService", "actions": { "POST": true, "PATCH": true, "GET": true, "DELETE": true, "OPTIONS": true, "PUT": true, "HEAD": true }, "resourceComparator": "com.sun.identity.entitlement.URLResourceName", "saveIndex": "org.forgerock.openam.entitlement.indextree.TreeSaveIndex", "searchIndex": "org.forgerock.openam.entitlement.indextree.TreeSearchIndex", "applicationClassName": "com.sun.identity.entitlement.Application"} Policy Sets

This section describes the process of using the OpenAM REST API for managing policy sets.

Policy set definitions set constraints for defining policies. The default built-in policy set is called iPlanetAMWebAgentService, which OpenAM policy agents use to allow policy management through the console.

For information on creating policy sets by using the OpenAM console, see Section3.1.1, "OpenAM Resource Types, Policy Sets, and Policies" in the Administration Guide.

OpenAM provides the applications REST endpoint for the following:

  • Section2., "Querying Policy Sets"

  • Section2., "Reading a Specific Policy Set"

  • Section2., "Creating Policy Sets"

  • Section2., "Updating Policy Sets"

  • Section2., "Deleting Policy Sets"

Policy sets are realm specific, hence the URI for the policy set API can contain a realm component, such as /json{/realm}/applications. If the realm is not specified in the URI, the top level realm is used.

Policy sets are represented in JSON and take the following form. Policy sets are built from standard JSON objects and values (strings, numbers, objects, arrays, true, false, and null).

{ "creationDate": 1431351677264, "lastModifiedDate": 1431351677264, "conditions": [ "AuthenticateToService", "Script", "AuthScheme", "IPv6", "SimpleTime", "OAuth2Scope", "IPv4", "AuthenticateToRealm", "OR", "AMIdentityMembership", "LDAPFilter", "AuthLevel", "SessionProperty", "LEAuthLevel", "Session", "NOT", "AND", "ResourceEnvIP" ], "applicationType": "iPlanetAMWebAgentService", "subjects": [ "JwtClaim", "AuthenticatedUsers", "Identity", "NOT", "AND", "NONE", "OR" ], "entitlementCombiner": "DenyOverride", "saveIndex": null, "searchIndex": null, "resourceComparator": null, "resourceTypeUuids": [ "12345a67-8f0b-123c-45de-6fab78cd01e4" ], "attributeNames": [ ], "editable": true, "createdBy": "id=dsameuser,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "lastModifiedBy": "id=dsameuser,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "description": "The built-in Application used by OpenAM Policy Agents.", "realm": "/", "name": "iPlanetAMWebAgentService"}

The values for the fields shown in the description are explained below:


Condition types allowed in the context of this policy set.

For information on condition types, see Section2.1.2.6, "Managing Policies" and Section2.1.2.8, "Managing Environment Condition Types".


Name of the application type used as a template for this policy set.


Subject types allowed in the context of this policy set.

For information on subject types, see Section2.1.2.6, "Managing Policies" and Section2.1.2.9, "Managing Subject Condition Types".


Name of the decision combiner, such as "DenyOverride".

For more on decision combiners, see Section2.1.2.11, "Managing Decision Combiners".


Class name of the implementation for creating indexes for resource names, such as "com.sun.identity.entitlement.util.ResourceNameIndexGenerator" for URL resource names.


Class name of the implementation for searching indexes for resource names, such as "com.sun.identity.entitlement.util.ResourceNameSplitter" for URL resource names.


Class name of the resource comparator implementation used in the context of this policy set.

The following implementations are available:


A list of the UUIDs of the resource types associated with the policy set.


A list of attribute names such as cn. The list is used to aid policy indexing and lookup.


String describing the policy set.


Name of the realm where this policy set is defined. You must specify the realm in the policy set JSON even though it can be derived from the URL that is used when creating the policy set.


String matching the name in the URL used when creating the policy set by HTTP PUT or in the body when creating the policy set by HTTP POST.


A string containing the universal identifier DN of the subject that created the policy set.


An integer containing the creation date and time, in number of seconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).


A string containing the universal identifier DN of the subject that most recently updated the policy set.

If the policy set has not been modified since it was created, this will be the same value as createdBy.


An integer containing the last modified date and time, in number of seconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).

If the policy set has not been modified since it was created, this will be the same value as creationDate. Policy Sets

To list all the policy sets in a realm, perform an HTTP GET to the /json{/realm}/applications endpoint, with a _queryFilter parameter set to true.


If the realm is not specified in the URL, OpenAM returns policy sets in the top level realm.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an Administrator user who has access to perform the operation.

$ curl \--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \{ "result": [ { "creationDate": 1431360678810, "lastModifiedDate": 1431360678810, "conditions": [ "AuthenticateToService", "AuthScheme", "IPv6", "SimpleTime", "OAuth2Scope", "IPv4", "AuthenticateToRealm", "OR", "AMIdentityMembership", "LDAPFilter", "SessionProperty", "AuthLevel", "LEAuthLevel", "Session", "NOT", "AND", "ResourceEnvIP" ], "applicationType": "iPlanetAMWebAgentService", "subjects": [ "JwtClaim", "AuthenticatedUsers", "Identity", "NOT", "AND", "OR" ], "entitlementCombiner": "DenyOverride", "saveIndex": null, "searchIndex": null, "resourceComparator": "com.sun.identity.entitlement.URLResourceName", "resourceTypeUuids": [ "12345a67-8f0b-123c-45de-6fab78cd01e2" ], "attributeNames": [ ], "editable": true, "createdBy": "id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "lastModifiedBy": "id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "description": "My example policy set.", "realm": "/", "name": "mypolicyset" } ], "resultCount": 1, "pagedResultsCookie": null, "remainingPagedResults": 0} 

Additional query strings can be specified to alter the returned results. For more information, see Section2.1.1.6, "Filtering, Sorting, and Paging Results".

Table2.3.Supported _queryFilter Fields and Operators

FieldSupported Operators


Equals (eq)


Equals (eq)


Equals (eq)


Equals (eq), Greater than or equal to (ge), Greater than (gt), Less than or equal to (le), Less than (lt)


The implementation of eq for this date field does not use regular expression pattern matching.


Equals (eq)


Equals (eq), Greater than or equal to (ge), Greater than (gt), Less than or equal to (le), Less than (lt)


The implementation of eq for this date field does not use regular expression pattern matching. a Specific Policy Set

To read an individual policy set in a realm, perform an HTTP GET to the /json{/realm}/applications endpoint, and specify the policy set name in the URL.


If the realm is not specified in the URL, OpenAM uses the top level realm.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an Administrator user who has access to perform the operation.

$ curl \--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \{ "creationDate": 1431360678810, "lastModifiedDate": 1431360678810, "conditions": [ "AuthenticateToService", "AuthScheme", "IPv6", "SimpleTime", "OAuth2Scope", "IPv4", "AuthenticateToRealm", "OR", "AMIdentityMembership", "LDAPFilter", "SessionProperty", "AuthLevel", "LEAuthLevel", "Session", "NOT", "AND", "ResourceEnvIP" ], "applicationType": "iPlanetAMWebAgentService", "subjects": [ "JwtClaim", "AuthenticatedUsers", "Identity", "NOT", "AND", "OR" ], "entitlementCombiner": "DenyOverride", "saveIndex": null, "searchIndex": null, "resourceComparator": "com.sun.identity.entitlement.URLResourceName", "resourceTypeUuids": [ "12345a67-8f0b-123c-45de-6fab78cd01e2" ], "attributeNames": [ ], "editable": true, "createdBy": "id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "lastModifiedBy": "id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "description": "My example policy set.", "realm": "/", "name": "mypolicyset"}

You can use the query string parameters _prettyPrint=true to make the output easier to read, and _fields=field-name[,field-name...] to limit the fields returned in the output. Policy Sets

To create a policy set in a realm, perform an HTTP POST to the /json{/realm}/applications endpoint, with an _action parameter set to create. Include a JSON representation of the policy set in the POST data.


If the realm is not specified in the URL, OpenAM creates the policy set in the top level realm.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an Administrator user who has access to perform the operation.

Do not use special characters within resource type, policy,or policy set names (for example, "my+resource+type") when using the consoleor REST endpoints. Using the special characters listed below causesOpenAM to return a 400 Bad Request error.The special characters are: double quotes ("), plussign (+), comma (,),less than (<), equals (=), greaterthan (>), backslash (\), forward slash(/), semicolon (;), andnull (\u0000).

$ curl \--request POST \--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--data '{ "name": "mypolicyset", "resourceTypeUuids": [ "12345a67-8f0b-123c-45de-6fab78cd01e2" ], "realm": "/", "conditions": [ "AND", "OR", "NOT", "AMIdentityMembership", "AuthLevel", "AuthScheme", "AuthenticateToRealm", "AuthenticateToService", "IPv4", "IPv6", "LDAPFilter", "LEAuthLevel", "OAuth2Scope", "ResourceEnvIP", "Session", "SessionProperty", "SimpleTime" ], "applicationType": "iPlanetAMWebAgentService", "description": "My example policy set.", "resourceComparator": "com.sun.identity.entitlement.URLResourceName", "subjects": [ "AND", "OR", "NOT", "AuthenticatedUsers", "Identity", "JwtClaim" ], "entitlementCombiner": "DenyOverride", "saveIndex": null, "searchIndex": null, "attributeNames": []}' \{ "creationDate": 1431360678810, "lastModifiedDate": 1431360678810, "conditions": [ "AuthenticateToService", "AuthScheme", "IPv6", "SimpleTime", "OAuth2Scope", "IPv4", "AuthenticateToRealm", "OR", "AMIdentityMembership", "LDAPFilter", "SessionProperty", "AuthLevel", "LEAuthLevel", "Session", "NOT", "AND", "ResourceEnvIP" ], "applicationType": "iPlanetAMWebAgentService", "subjects": [ "JwtClaim", "AuthenticatedUsers", "Identity", "NOT", "AND", "OR" ], "entitlementCombiner": "DenyOverride", "saveIndex": null, "searchIndex": null, "resourceComparator": "com.sun.identity.entitlement.URLResourceName", "resourceTypeUuids": [ "12345a67-8f0b-123c-45de-6fab78cd01e2" ], "attributeNames": [ ], "editable": true, "createdBy": "id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "lastModifiedBy": "id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "description": "My example policy set.", "realm": "/", "name": "mypolicyset"}

You can use the query string parameters _prettyPrint=true to make the output easier to read, and _fields=field-name[,field-name...] to limit the fields returned in the output. Policy Sets

To update an individual policy set in a realm, perform an HTTP PUT to the /json{/realm}/applications endpoint, and specify the policy set name in the URL. Include a JSON representation of the updated policy set in the PUT data.


If the realm is not specified in the URL, OpenAM uses the top level realm.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an Administrator user who has access to perform the operation.

Do not use special characters within resource type, policy,or policy set names (for example, "my+resource+type") when using the consoleor REST endpoints. Using the special characters listed below causesOpenAM to return a 400 Bad Request error.The special characters are: double quotes ("), plussign (+), comma (,),less than (<), equals (=), greaterthan (>), backslash (\), forward slash(/), semicolon (;), andnull (\u0000).

$ curl \--request PUT \--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--data '{ "name": "myupdatedpolicyset", "description": "My updated policy set - new name and fewer allowable conditions/subjects.", "conditions": [ "NOT", "SimpleTime" ], "subjects": [ "AND", "OR", "NOT", "AuthenticatedUsers", "Identity" ], "applicationType": "iPlanetAMWebAgentService", "entitlementCombiner": "DenyOverride", "resourceTypeUuids": [ "76656a38-5f8e-401b-83aa-4ccb74ce88d2" ]}' \{ "creationDate": 1431362370739, "lastModifiedDate": 1431362390817, "conditions": [ "NOT", "SimpleTime" ], "resourceComparator": "com.sun.identity.entitlement.URLResourceName", "resourceTypeUuids": [ "76656a38-5f8e-401b-83aa-4ccb74ce88d2" ], "createdBy": "id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "lastModifiedBy": "id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "applicationType": "iPlanetAMWebAgentService", "subjects": [ "AuthenticatedUsers", "Identity", "NOT", "AND", "OR" ], "entitlementCombiner": "DenyOverride", "saveIndex": null, "searchIndex": null, "attributeNames": [ ], "editable": true, "description": "My updated policy set - new name and fewer allowable conditions/subjects.", "realm": "/", "name": "myupdatedpolicyset"}

You can use the query string parameters _prettyPrint=true to make the output easier to read, and _fields=field-name[,field-name...] to limit the fields returned in the output. Policy Sets

To delete an individual policy set in a realm, perform an HTTP DELETE to the /json{/realm}/applications endpoint, and specify the policy set name in the URL.


If the realm is not specified in the URL, OpenAM uses the top level realm.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an Administrator user who has access to perform the operation.

 $ curl \ --request DELETE \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \ {} Policies

This section describes the process of using the OpenAM REST API for managing policies.

For information on creating policies by using the OpenAM console, see Section3.1.1, "OpenAM Resource Types, Policy Sets, and Policies" in the Administration Guide.

OpenAM provides the policies REST endpoint for the following:

  • Section2., "Querying Policies"

  • Section2., "Reading a Specific Policy"

  • Section2., "Creating Policies"

  • Section2., "Updating Policies"

  • Section2., "Deleting Policies"

  • Section2., "Copying and Moving Policies"

Policies are realm specific, hence the URI for the policies API can contain a realm component, such as /json{/realm}/policies. If the realm is not specified in the URI, the top level realm is used.

Policy resources are represented in JSON and take the following form. Policy resources are built from standard JSON objects and values (strings, numbers, objects, arrays, true, false, and null).

{ "name": "mypolicy", "active": true, "description": "My Policy.", "applicationName": "iPlanetAMWebAgentService", "actionValues": { "POST": true, "GET": true }, "resources": [ "*", "*?*" ], "subject": { "type": "AuthenticatedUsers" }, "condition": { "type": "SimpleTime", "startTime": "09:00", "endTime": "17:00", "startDay": "mon", "endDay": "fri", "enforcementTimeZone": "GMT" }, "resourceTypeUuid": "76656a38-5f8e-401b-83aa-4ccb74ce88d2", "resourceAttributes": [ { "type": "User", "propertyName": "givenName", "propertyValues": [ ] } ], "lastModifiedBy": "id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "lastModifiedDate": "2015-05-11T17:39:09.393Z", "createdBy": "id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "creationDate": "2015-05-11T17:37:24.556Z"}

The values for the fields shown in the example are explained below:


String matching the name in the URL used when creating the policy by HTTP PUT or in the body when creating the policy by HTTP POST.


Boolean indicating whether OpenAM considers the policy active for evaluation purposes, defaults to false.


String describing the policy.


List of the resource name pattern strings to which the policy applies. Must conform to the pattern templates provided by the associated resource type.


String containing the policy set name, such as "iPlanetAMWebAgentService", or "mypolicyset".


Set of string action names, each set to a boolean indicating whether the action is allowed. Chosen from the available actions provided by the associated resource type.


Action values can also be expressed as numeric values. When using numeric values, use the value 0 for false and use any non-zero numeric value for true.


Specifies the subject conditions to which the policy applies, where subjects can be combined by using the built-in types "AND", "OR", and "NOT", and where subject implementations are pluggable.

Subjects are shown as JSON objects with "type" set to the name of the implementation (using a short name for all registered subject implementations), and also other fields depending on the implementation. The subject types registered by default include the following:

  • "AuthenticatedUsers", meaning any user that has successfully authenticated to OpenAM.

    { "type": "AuthenticatedUsers"} 


    The AuthenticatedUsers subject condition does not take into account the realm to which a user authenticated. Any user that has authenticated successfully to any realm passes this subject condition.

    To test whether a user has authenticated successfully to a specific realm, also add the AuthenticateToRealm environment condition.

  • "Identity" to specify one or more users from an OpenAM identity repository:

    { "type": "Identity", "subjectValues": [ "uid=scarter,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com", "uid=ahall,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" ]}

    You can also use the "Identity" subject type to specify one or more groups from an identity repository:

    { "type": "Identity", "subjectValues": [ "cn=HR Managers,ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com" ]}
  • "JwtClaim" to specify a claim in a user's JSON web token (JWT).

    { "type": "JwtClaim", "claimName": "sub", "claimValue": "scarter"}
  • "NONE", meaning never match any subject. The result is not that access is denied, but rather that the policy itself does not match and therefore cannot be evaluated in order to allow access.

The following example defines the subject either as the user Sam Carter from an OpenAM identity repository, or as a user with a JWT claim with a subject claim with the value scarter:

"subject": { "type": "OR", "subjects": [ { "type": "Identity", "subjectValues": [ "uid=scarter,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" ] }, { "type": "JwtClaim", "claimName": "sub", "claimValue": "scarter" } ]}

To read a single subject type description, or to list all the available subject types, see Section2.1.2.9, "Managing Subject Condition Types".


Specifies environment conditions, where conditions can be combined by using the built-in types "AND", "OR", and "NOT", and where condition implementations are pluggable.

Conditions are shown as JSON objects with "type" set to the name of the implementation (using a short name for all registered condition implementations), and also other fields depending on the implementation. The condition types registered by default include the following.

  • "AMIdentityMembership" to specify a list of OpenAM users and groups.

    { "type": "AMIdentityMembership", "amIdentityName": [ "id=scarter,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" ]}
  • "AuthLevel" to specify the authentication level.

    { "type": "AuthLevel", "authLevel": 2}
  • "AuthScheme" to specify the authentication module used to authenticate and the policy set name, and to set a timeout for authentication.

    { "type": "AuthScheme", "authScheme": [ "DataStore" ], "applicationName": "iPlanetAMWebAgentService", "applicationIdleTimeout": 10}
  • "AuthenticateToRealm" to specify the realm to which the user authenticated.

    { "type": "AuthenticateToRealm", "authenticateToRealm": "MyRealm"}
  • "AuthenticateToService" to specify the authentication chain that was used to authenticate.

    { "type": "AuthenticateToService", "authenticateToService": "MyAuthnChain"}
  • "IPv4" or "IPv6" to specify an IP address range from which the request originated.

    { "type": "IPv4", "startIp": "", "endIp": ""}

    You can also use the "IPv4" and "IPv6" conditions with the "dnsName" field to specify domain names from which the request originated. Omit "startIp" and "endIp" when using "dnsName".

    { "type": "IPv4", "dnsName": [ "*" ]}
  • "LDAPFilter" to specify an LDAP search filter. The user's entry is tested against the search filter in the directory configured in the Policy Configuration Service.

    { "type": "LDAPFilter", "ldapFilter": "(&(c=US)(preferredLanguage=en-us))"}
  • "LEAuthLevel" to specify a maximum acceptable authentication level.

    { "type": "LEAuthLevel", "authLevel": 2} 
  • "OAuth2Scope" to specify a list of attributes that must be present in the user profile.

    { "type": "OAuth2Scope", "requiredScopes": [ "name", "address", "email" ]}
  • "ResourceEnvIP" to specify a complex condition such as whether the user is making a request from a given host and has authenticated with a given authentication level. For example:

    { "type": "ResourceEnvIP", "resourceEnvIPConditionValue": [ "IF IP=[127.168.10.*] THEN authlevel=4" ]}

    Entries must take the form of one or more IF...ELSE statements. If the IF statement is true, the THEN statement must also be true for the condition to be fulfilled. The IF statement can specify either IP to match the user's IP address, or dnsName to match their DNS name. The IP address can be IPv4 or IPv6 format, or a hybrid of the two, and can include wildcard characters.

    The available parameters for the THEN statement are as follows:


    The module that was used to authenticate the user, for example DataStore.


    The authentication chain that was used to authenticate the user.


    The minimum required authentication level.


    The role of the authenticated user.


    The name of the authenticated user.


    The URL from which the user was redirected.


    The realm to which the user authenticated.

  • "Session" to specify how long the user's stateful or stateless session has been active, and to terminate the session if deemed too old, such that the user must authenticate again. Note that OpenAM terminates stateless sessions only if session blacklisting is in effect. For more information about session blacklisting, see Section9.4, "Session Termination" in the Administration Guide.

    { "type": "Session", "maxSessionTime": "10", "terminateSession": false}
  • "SessionProperty" to specify attributes set in the user's stateful or stateless session.

    { "type": "SessionProperty", "ignoreValueCase": true, "properties": { "CharSet": [ "UTF-8" ], "clientType": [ "genericHTML" ] }}
  • "SimpleTime" to specify a time range, where "type" is the only required field.

    { "type": "SimpleTime", "startTime": "07:00", "endTime": "19:00", "startDay": "mon", "endDay": "fri", "startDate": "2015:01:01", "endDate": "2015:12:31", "enforcementTimeZone": "GMT+0:00"}

The following example defines the condition as neither Saturday or Sunday, nor certain client IP addresses.

{ "type": "NOT", "condition": { "type": "OR", "conditions": [ { "type": "SimpleTime", "startDay": "sat", "endDay": "sun", "enforcementTimeZone": "GMT+8:00" }, { "type": "IPv4", "startIp": "", "endIp": "" } ] }}

To read a single condition type description, or to list all the available condition types, see Section2.1.2.8, "Managing Environment Condition Types".


The UUIDs of the resource type associated with the policy.


List of attributes to return with decisions. These attributes are known as response attributes.

The response attribute provider is pluggable. The default implementation provides for statically defined attributes and for attributes retrieved from user profiles.

Attributes are shown as JSON objects with "type" set to the name of the implementation (by default either "Static" for statically defined attributes or "User" for attributes from the user profile), "propertyName" set to the attribute names. For static attributes, "propertyValues" holds the attribute values. For user attributes, "propertyValues" is not used; the property values are determined at evaluation time.


A string containing the universal identifier DN of the subject that created the policy.


An integer containing the creation date and time, in number of seconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).


A string containing the universal identifier DN of the subject that most recently updated the policy.

If the policy has not been modified since it was created, this will be the same value as createdBy.


An integer containing the last modified date and time, in number of seconds since the Unix epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).

If the policy has not been modified since it was created, this will be the same value as creationDate. Policies

To list all the policies in a realm, perform an HTTP GET to the /json{/realm}/policies endpoint, with a _queryFilter parameter set to true.


If the realm is not specified in the URL, OpenAM returns policies in the top level realm.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an Administrator user who has access to perform the operation.

$ curl \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w..." \{ "result": [ { "name": "example", "active": true, "description": "Example Policy", "applicationName": "iPlanetAMWebAgentService", "actionValues": { "POST": false, "GET": true }, "resources": [ "*", "*?*" ], "subject": { "type": "Identity", "subjectValues": [ "uid=demo,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" ] }, "resourceTypeUuid": "12345a67-8f0b-123c-45de-6fab78cd01e4", "lastModifiedBy": "id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "lastModifiedDate": "2015-05-11T14:48:08.711Z", "createdBy": "id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "creationDate": "2015-05-11T14:48:08.711Z" } ], "resultCount": 1, "pagedResultsCookie": null, "remainingPagedResults": 0}

Additional query strings can be specified to alter the returned results. For more information, see Section2.1.1.6, "Filtering, Sorting, and Paging Results".

Table2.4.Supported _queryFilter Fields and Operators

FieldSupported Operators


Equals (eq)


Equals (eq)


Equals (eq)


Equals (eq)


Equals (eq), Greater than or equal to (ge), Greater than (gt), Less than or equal to (le), Less than (lt)


The implementation of eq for this date field does not use regular expression pattern matching.


Equals (eq)


Equals (eq), Greater than or equal to (ge), Greater than (gt), Less than or equal to (le), Less than (lt)


The implementation of eq for this date field does not use regular expression pattern matching. a Specific Policy

To read an individual policy in a realm, perform an HTTP GET to the /json{/realm}/policies endpoint, and specify the policy name in the URL.


If the realm is not specified in the URL, OpenAM uses the top level realm.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an Administrator user who has access to perform the operation.

$ curl \--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \{ "result": [ { "name": "example", "active": true, "description": "Example Policy", "applicationName": "iPlanetAMWebAgentService", "actionValues": { "POST": false, "GET": true }, "resources": [ "*", "*?*" ], "subject": { "type": "Identity", "subjectValues": [ "uid=demo,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" ] }, "resourceTypeUuid": "12345a67-8f0b-123c-45de-6fab78cd01e4", "lastModifiedBy": "id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "lastModifiedDate": "2015-05-11T14:48:08.711Z", "createdBy": "id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "creationDate": "2015-05-11T14:48:08.711Z" } ], "resultCount": 1, "pagedResultsCookie": null, "remainingPagedResults": 0}

You can use the query string parameters _prettyPrint=true to make the output easier to read, and _fields=field-name[,field-name...] to limit the fields returned in the output. Policies

To create a policy in a realm, perform an HTTP POST to the /json{/realm}/policies endpoint, with an _action parameter set to create. Include a JSON representation of the policy in the POST data.


If the realm is not specified in the URL, OpenAM uses the top level realm.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an Administrator user who has access to perform the operation.

Do not use special characters within resource type, policy,or policy set names (for example, "my+resource+type") when using the consoleor REST endpoints. Using the special characters listed below causesOpenAM to return a 400 Bad Request error.The special characters are: double quotes ("), plussign (+), comma (,),less than (<), equals (=), greaterthan (>), backslash (\), forward slash(/), semicolon (;), andnull (\u0000).

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{ "name": "mypolicy", "active": true, "description": "My Policy.", "applicationName": "iPlanetAMWebAgentService", "actionValues": { "POST": false, "GET": true }, "resources": [ "*", "*?*" ], "subject": { "type": "Identity", "subjectValues": [ "uid=demo,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" ] }, "resourceTypeUuid": "12345a67-8f0b-123c-45de-6fab78cd01e4" }' \ { "name": "mypolicy", "active": true, "description": "My Policy.", "applicationName": "iPlanetAMWebAgentService", "actionValues": { "POST": false, "GET": true }, "resources": [ "*", "*?*" ], "subject": { "type": "Identity", "subjectValues": [ "uid=demo,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" ] }, "resourceTypeUuid": "12345a67-8f0b-123c-45de-6fab78cd01e4", "lastModifiedBy": "id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "lastModifiedDate": "2015-05-11T14:48:08.711Z", "createdBy": "id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "creationDate": "2015-05-11T14:48:08.711Z"}

You can use the query string parameters _prettyPrint=true to make the output easier to read, and _fields=field-name[,field-name...] to limit the fields returned in the output. Policies

To update an individual policy in a realm, perform an HTTP PUT to the /json{/realm}/policies endpoint, and specify the policy name in the URL. Include a JSON representation of the updated policy in the PUT data.


If the realm is not specified in the URL, OpenAM uses the top level realm.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an Administrator user who has access to perform the operation.

Do not use special characters within resource type, policy,or policy set names (for example, "my+resource+type") when using the consoleor REST endpoints. Using the special characters listed below causesOpenAM to return a 400 Bad Request error.The special characters are: double quotes ("), plussign (+), comma (,),less than (<), equals (=), greaterthan (>), backslash (\), forward slash(/), semicolon (;), andnull (\u0000).

$ curl \ --request PUT \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w..." \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{ "name": "myupdatedpolicy", "active": true, "description": "My Updated Policy.", "resources": [ "*", "*?*" ], "actionValues": { "POST": true, "GET": true }, "subject": { "type": "Identity", "subjectValues": [ "uid=scarter,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com", "uid=bjenson,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" ] }, "resourceTypeUuid": "12345a67-8f0b-123c-45de-6fab78cd01e4"}' \{ "name": "myupdatedpolicy", "active": true, "description": "My Updated Policy.", "applicationName": "iPlanetAMWebAgentService", "actionValues": { "POST": true, "GET": true }, "resources": [ "*", "*?*" ], "subject": { "type": "Identity", "subjectValues": [ "uid=bjenson,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com", "uid=scarter,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" ] }, "resourceTypeUuid": "12345a67-8f0b-123c-45de-6fab78cd01e4", "lastModifiedBy": "id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "lastModifiedDate": "2015-05-11T17:26:59.116Z", "createdBy": "id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "creationDate": "2015-05-11T17:25:18.632Z"}

You can use the query string parameters _prettyPrint=true to make the output easier to read, and _fields=field-name[,field-name...] to limit the fields returned in the output. Policies

To delete an individual policy in a realm, perform an HTTP DELETE to the /json{/realm}/policies endpoint, and specify the policy name in the URL.


If the realm is not specified in the URL, OpenAM uses the top level realm.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an Administrator user who has access to perform the operation.

$ curl \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w..." \ --request DELETE \{} and Moving Policies

You can copy or move an individual policy by performing an HTTP POST to the /json{/realm}/policies/policyName endpoint as follows:

  • Specify the _action=copy or _action=move URL parameter.

  • Specify the realm in which the input policy resides in the URL. If the realm is not specified in the URL, OpenAM copies or moves a policy from the top level realm.

  • Specify the policy to be copied or moved in the URL.

  • Specify the SSO token of an administrative user who has access to perform the operation in the iPlanetDirectoryPro header.

Specify JSON input data as follows:

Table2.5.JSON Input Data for Copying or Moving Individual Policies


The name of the output policy.

Required unless you are copying or moving a policy to a different realm and you want the output policy to have the same name as the input policy.


The policy set in which to place the output policy.

Required when copying or moving a policy to a different policy set.


The realm in which to place the output policy. If not specified, OpenAM copies or moves the policy within the realm identified in the URL.

Required when copying or moving a policy to a different realm.


The UUID of the output policy's resource type.

Required when copying or moving a policy to a different realm.

The follow example copies the policy myPolicy to myNewPolicy. The output policy is placed in the myRealm realm, in the same policy set as the input policy:

$ curl \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w..." \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --request POST \ --data '{ "to": { "name": "myNewPolicy" } }' \{ "name":"myNewPolicy", "active":true, "description":"", "applicationName":"iPlanetAMWebAgentService", "actionValues":{}, "resources":['"*://*:*/*"], "subject":{"type":"NONE"}, "resourceTypeUuid":"d98e59c9-766a-4934-b5de-8a28a9edc158", "lastModifiedBy":"id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=example,dc=com", "lastModifiedDate":"2015-12-19T15:22:44.861Z", "createdBy":"id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=example,dc=com", "creationDate":"2015-12-19T15:22:44.861Z"}

The following example moves a policy named myPolicy in the myRealm realm to myMovedPolicy in the myOtherRealm realm. The output policy is placed in the iPlanetAMWebAgentService policy set, which is the policy set in which the input policy is located.

The realm myOtherRealm must be configured as follows for the example to run successfully:

  • It must have a resource type that has the same resources as the resource type configured for the myPolicy policy.

  • It must have a policy set named iPlanetAMWebAgentService.

$ curl \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w..." \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --request POST \ --data '{ "to": { "name": "myMovedPolicy", "realm": "/myOtherRealm", "resourceType: "616b3d02-7a8d-4422-b6a7-174f62afd065" } }' \{ "name":"myMovedPolicy", "active":true, "description":"", "actionValues":{}, "applicationName":"iPlanetAMWebAgentService", "resources":["*://*:*/*"], "subject":{"type":"NONE"}, "resourceTypeUuid":"616b3d02-7a8d-4422-b6a7-174f62afd065", "lastModifiedBy":"id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=example,dc=com", "lastModifiedDate":"2015-12-21T19:32:59.502Z", "createdBy":"id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=example,dc=com", "creationDate":"2015-12-21T19:32:59.502Z" }

You can also copy and move multiple policies—all the policies in a policy set—in a single operation by performing an HTTP POST to the /json{/realm}/policies endpoint as follows:

  • Specify the _action=copy or _action=move URL parameter.

  • Specify the realm in which the input policies reside as part of the URL. If no realm is specified in the URL, OpenAM copies or moves policies within the top level realm.

  • Specify the SSO token of an administrative user who has access to perform the operation in the iPlanetDirectoryPro header.

Specify JSON input data as follows:

Table2.6.JSON Input Data for Copying or Moving Multiple Policies


The policy set in which the input policies are located.



The policy set in which to store output policies.

Required when copying or moving policies to a different policy set.


The realm in which to store output policies.

Required when copying or moving policies to a different realm.


A value appended to output policy names in order to prevent name clashes.


resourceTypeMappingVaries; see Description

One or more resource types mappings, where the left side of the mapping specifies the UUID of a resource type used by the input policies and the right side of the mapping specifies the UUID of a resource type used by the output policies. The two resource types should have the same resource patterns.

Required when copying or moving policies to a different realm.

The following example copies all the policies in the iPlanetAMWebAgentService policy set in the myRealm realm to the iPlanetAMWebAgentService policy set in the myOtherRealm realm, appending the string -copy to the output policy names.

The realm myOtherRealm must be configured as follows for the example to run successfully:

  • It must have a resource type that maps to the ccb50c1a-206d-4946-9106-4164e8f2b35b resource type. The two resource types should have the same resource patterns.

  • It must have a policy set named iPlanetAMWebAgentService.

The JSON output shows that a single policy is copied. The policy myNewPolicy is copied to realm myOtherRealm. The copied policy receives the name myOtherRealm-copy:

$ curl \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w..." \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --request POST \ --data '{ "from": { "application": "iPlanetAMWebAgentService" }, "to": { "realm": "/myOtherRealm", "namePostfix": "-copy" }, "resourceTypeMapping": { "ccb50c1a-206d-4946-9106-4164e8f2b35b": "616b3d02-7a8d-4422-b6a7-174f62afd065" } }' \{ "name":"myNewPolicy-copy", "active":true, "description":"", "actionValues":{}, "applicationName":"iPlanetAMWebAgentService", "resources":["*://*:*/*"],"subject":{"type":"NONE"}, "resourceTypeUuid":"616b3d02-7a8d-4422-b6a7-174f62afd065", "lastModifiedBy":"id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=example,dc=com", "lastModifiedDate":"2015-12-21T20:01:42.410Z", "createdBy":"id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=example,dc=com", "creationDate":"2015-12-21T20:01:42.410Z"} and Exporting XACML 3.0

OpenAM supports the ability to export policies to eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) 3.0-based formatted policy sets through its /xacml/policies REST endpoint. You can also import XACML 3.0 policy sets back into OpenAM by using the same endpoint. The endpoint's functionally is identical to that of the ssoadm create-xacml and ssoadm list-xacml commands. For more information, see Section3.3.5, "Importing and Exporting Policies" in the Administration Guide


OpenAM can only import XACML 3.0 policy sets that were either created by an OpenAM instance, or that have had minor manual modifications, due to the reuse of some XACML 3.0 parameters for non-standard information.

When exporting OpenAM policies to XACML 3.0 policy sets, OpenAM maps its policies to XACML 3.0 policy elements. The mappings are as follows:

Table2.7.OpenAM Policies to XACML Mappings

OpenAM PolicyXACML Policy
Policy NamePolicy ID
Current Time (
xacml rule targetentitlement excluded resource names
Rule Deny OverridesRule Combining Algorithm ID

Any of:

  • Entitlement Subject

  • Resource Names

  • Policy Set Names

  • Action Values


Any of:

  • Policy Set Name

  • Entitlement Name

  • Privilege Created By

  • Privilege Modified By

  • Privilege Creation Date

  • Privilege Last Modification Date

Variable Definitions
Single Level Permit/Deny Actions converted to Policy Rules Rules


XACML obligation is not supported. Also, only one XACML match is defined for each privilege action, and only one XACML rule for each privilege action value. from OpenAM to XACML

OpenAM supports exporting policies into XACML 3.0 format. OpenAM only exports a policy set that contains policy definitions. No other types can be included in the policy set, such as sub-policy sets or rules. The policy set mapping is as follows:

Table2.8.Policy Set Mappings

Realm:<timestamp>( ID
Current Time (
Deny OverridesPolicy Combining Algorithm ID
No targets definedTarget

The export service is accessible at the /xacml/policies endpoint using a HTTP GET request at the following endpoint for the root realm or a specific realm:{realm}/policies where {realm} is the name of a specific realm 

You can filter your XACML exports using query search filters. Note the following points about the search filters:

  • LDAP-based Searches. The search filters follow the standard guidelines for LDAP searches as they are applied to the entitlements index in the LDAP configuration backend, located at: ou=default,ou=OrganizationalConfig,ou=1.0,ou=sunEntitlementIndexes, ou=services,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org.

  • Search Filter Format. You can specify a single search filter or multiple filters in the HTTP URL parameters. The format for the search filter is as follows:

    [attribute name][operator][attribute value] 

    If you specify multiple search filters, they are logically ANDed: the search results meet the criteria specified in all the search filters.

    Table2.9.XACML Export Search Filter Format

    Attribute Name

    The name of the attribute to be searched for. The only permissible values are: application (keyword for policy set), createdby, lastmodifiedby, creationdate, lastmodifieddate, name, description.


    The type of comparison operation to perform.

    • = Equals (text)

    • < Less Than or Equal To (numerical)

    • > Greater Than or Equal To (numerical)

    Attribute Value

    The matching value. Asterisk wildcards are supported.

Procedure2.1.To Export Policies

  • Use the /xacml/policies endpoint to export the OpenAM entitlement policies into XACML 3.0 format. The following curl command exports the policies and returns the XACML response (truncated for display purposes).

    $ curl \ --request GET \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><PolicySet xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:3.0:core:schema:wd-17" PolicyCombiningAlgId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:3.0:rule-combining-algorithm:deny-overrides" Version="2014." PolicySetId="/:2014."> <Target/> <Policy RuleCombiningAlgId="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:3.0:rule-combining-algorithm:deny-overrides" Version="2014." PolicyId="Rockshop_Checkout_*?*"> ... 

Procedure2.2.To Export Policies with Search Filters

  1. Use the /xacml/policies endpoint to export the policies into XACML 3.0 format with a search filter. This command only exports policies that were created by "amadmin".

    $ curl \ --request GET \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \  
  2. You can also specify more than one search filter by logically ANDing the filters as follows:

    $ curl \ --request GET \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ filter=creationdate=135563832 from XACML to OpenAM

OpenAM supports the import of XACML 3.0-based policy sets into OpenAM policies using the REST /xacml/policies endpoint. To test an import, OpenAM provides a dry-run feature that runs an import without saving the changes to the database. The dry-run feature provides a summary of the import so that you can troubleshoot any potential mismatches prior to the actual import.

You can import a XACML policy using an HTTP POST request for the root realm or a specific realm at the following endpoints:{realm}/policieswhere {realm} is the name of a specific realm 

Procedure2.3.To Import a XACML 3.0 Policy

  1. You can do a dry run using the dryrun=true query to test the import. The dry-run option outputs in JSON format and displays the status of each import policy, where "U" indicates "Updated"; "A" for "Added". The dry-run does not actually update to the database. When you are ready for an actual import, you need to re-run the command without the dryrun=true query.

    $ curl \ --request POST \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \ --header "Content-Type: application/xml" \ --data @xacml-policy.xml \[ { "status":"A", "name":"aNewPolicy" }, { "status":"U", "name":"anExistingPolicy" }, { "status":"U", "name":"anotherExistingPolicy" }] 
  2. Use the /xacml/policies endpoint to import a XACML policy:

    $ curl \ --request POST \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \ --header "Content-Type: application/xml" \ --data @xacml-policy.xml \ 


You can import a XACML policy into a realm as follows:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \ --header "Content-Type: application/xml" \ --data @xacml-policy.xml \{realm}/policies Environment Condition Types

Environment condition types describe the JSON representation of environment conditions that you can use in policy definitions.

OpenAM provides the conditiontypes REST endpoint for the following:

  • Section2., "Querying Environment Condition Types"

  • Section2., "Reading a Specific Environment Condition Type"

Environment condition types are server-wide, and do not differ by realm. Hence the URI for the condition types API does not contain a realm component, but is /json/conditiontypes.

Environment condition types are represented in JSON and take the following form. Environment condition types are built from standard JSON objects and values (strings, numbers, objects, arrays, true, false, and null).

{ "title": "IPv4", "logical": false, "config": { "type": "object", "properties": { "startIp": { "type": "string" }, "endIp": { "type": "string" }, "dnsName": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" } } } }}

Notice that the environment condition type has a title, a "logical" field that indicates whether the type is a logical operator or takes a predicate, and a configuration specification. The configuration specification in this case indicates that an IPv4 environment condition has two properties, "startIp" and "endIp", that each take a single string value, and a third property, "dnsName," that takes an array of string values. In other words, a concrete IP environment condition specification without a DNS name constraint could be represented in a policy definition as in the following example:

{ "type": "IPv4", "startIp": "", "endIp": ""}

The configuration is what differs the most across environment condition types. The NOT condition, for example, takes a single condition object as the body of its configuration.

{ "title" : "NOT", "logical" : true, "config" : { "type" : "object", "properties" : { "condition" : { "type" : "object", "properties" : { } } } }}

The concrete NOT condition therefore takes the following form.

{ "type": "NOT", "condition": { ... }}

The OR condition takes an array of conditions.

{ "title" : "OR", "logical" : true, "config" : { "type" : "object", "properties" : { "conditions" : { "type" : "array", "items" : { "type" : "any" } } } }}

A corresponding concrete OR condition thus takes the following form.

{ "type": "OR", "conditions": [ { ... }, { ... }, ... ]} Environment Condition Types

To list all environment condition types, perform an HTTP GET to the /json/conditiontypes endpoint, with a _queryFilter parameter set to true.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an Administrator user who has access to perform the operation.

$ curl \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \{ "result" : [ { "title": "IPv4", "logical": false, "config": { "type": "object", "properties": { "startIp": { "type": "string" }, "endIp": { "type": "string" }, "dnsName": { "type": "array", "items": { "type": "string" } } } } }, { "title": "NOT", "logical": true, "config": { "type": "object", "properties": { "condition": { "type": "object", "properties": { } } } } }, {...}, {...}, {...} ], "resultCount" : 18, "pagedResultsCookie" : null, "remainingPagedResults" : 0}

Additional query strings can be specified to alter the returned results. For more information, see Section2.1.1.6, "Filtering, Sorting, and Paging Results". a Specific Environment Condition Type

To read an individual environment condition type, perform an HTTP GET to the /json/conditiontypes endpoint, and specify the environment condition type name in the URL.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an Administrator user who has access to perform the operation.

$ curl \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \{ "title" : "IPv4", "logical" : false, "config" : { "type" : "object", "properties" : { "startIp" : { "type" : "string" }, "endIp" : { "type" : "string" }, "dnsName" : { "type" : "array", "items" : { "type" : "string" } } } }} Subject Condition Types

Subject condition types describe the JSON representation of subject conditions that you can use in policy definitions.

OpenAM provides the subjecttypes REST endpoint for the following:

  • Section2., "Querying Subject Condition Types"

  • Section2., "Reading a Specific Subject Condition Type"

Environment condition types are server-wide, and do not differ by realm. Hence the URI for the condition types API does not contain a realm component, but is /json/subjecttypes.

Subject condition types are represented in JSON and take the following form. Subject condition types are built from standard JSON objects and values (strings, numbers, objects, arrays, true, false, and null).

{ "title" : "Identity", "logical" : false, "config" : { "type" : "object", "properties" : { "subjectValues" : { "type" : "array", "items" : { "type" : "string" } } } }}

Notice that the subject type has a title, a "logical" field that indicates whether the type is a logical operator or takes a predicate, and a configuration specification. The configuration specification in this case indicates that an Identity subject condition has one property, "subjectValues", which takes an array of string values. In other words, a concrete Identity subject condition specification is represented in a policy definition as in the following example:

{ "type": "Identity", "subjectValues": [ "uid=scarter,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com" ]}

The configuration is what differs the most across subject condition types. The AND condition, for example, takes an array of subject condition objects as the body of its configuration.

{ "title" : "AND", "logical" : true, "config" : { "type" : "object", "properties" : { "subjects" : { "type" : "array", "items" : { "type" : "any" } } } }}

The concrete AND subject condition therefore takes the following form.

{ "type": "AND", "subject": [ {...}, {...}, {...}, {...} ]} Subject Condition Types

To list all environment condition types, perform an HTTP GET to the /json/subjecttypes endpoint, with a _queryFilter parameter set to true.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an Administrator user who has access to perform the operation.

$ curl \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \{ "result" : [ { "title": "JwtClaim", "logical": false, "config": { "type": "object", "properties": { "claimName": { "type": "string" }, "claimValue": { "type": "string" } } } }, { "title": "NOT", "logical": true, "config": { "type": "object", "properties": { "subject": { "type": "object", "properties": { } } } } }, {...}, {...}, {...} ], "resultCount" : 5, "pagedResultsCookie" : null, "remainingPagedResults" : 0} 

Additional query strings can be specified to alter the returned results. For more information, see Section2.1.1.6, "Filtering, Sorting, and Paging Results". a Specific Subject Condition Type

To read an individual subject condition type, perform an HTTP GET to the /json/subjecttypes endpoint, and specify the subject condition type name in the URL.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an Administrator user who has access to perform the operation.

$ curl \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \{ "title" : "Identity", "logical" : false, "config" : { "type" : "object", "properties" : { "subjectValues" : { "type" : "array", "items" : { "type" : "string" } } } }} Subject Attributes

When you define a policy subject condition, the condition can depend on values of subject attributes stored in a user's profile. The list of possible subject attributes that you can use depends on the LDAP User Attributes configured for the Identity data store where OpenAM looks up the user's profile.

OpenAM provides the subjectattributes REST endpoint for the following:

  • Section2., "Querying Subject Attributes"

Subject attributes derive from the list of LDAP user attributes configured for the Identity data store. For more information, see Section4.3, "Configuring Data Stores" in the Administration Guide. Subject Attributes

To list all subject attributes, perform an HTTP GET to the /json/subjectattributes endpoint, with a _queryFilter parameter set to true.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an Administrator user who has access to perform the operation.

$ curl \--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \{ "result" : [ "sunIdentityServerPPInformalName", "sunIdentityServerPPFacadeGreetSound", "uid", "manager", "sunIdentityServerPPCommonNameMN", "sunIdentityServerPPLegalIdentityGender", "preferredLocale", "...", "...", "..." ], "resultCount": 87, "pagedResultsCookie": null, "remainingPagedResults": 0}

Note that no pagination cookie is set and the subject attribute names are all returned as part of the "result" array. Decision Combiners

Decision combiners describe how to resolve policy decisions when multiple policies apply.

OpenAM provides the decisioncombiners REST endpoint for the following:

  • Section2., "Querying Decision Combiners"

  • Section2., "Reading a Specific Decision Combiner"

Decision combiners are server-wide, and do not differ by realm. Hence the URI for the condition types API does not contain a realm component, but is /json/decisioncombiners. Decision Combiners

To list all decision combiners, perform an HTTP GET to the /json/decisioncombiners endpoint, with a _queryFilter parameter set to true.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an Administrator user who has access to perform the operation.

$ curl \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \{ "result": [ { "title": "DenyOverride" } ], "resultCount": 1, "pagedResultsCookie": null, "remainingPagedResults": 0}

Additional query strings can be specified to alter the returned results. For more information, see Section2.1.1.6, "Filtering, Sorting, and Paging Results". a Specific Decision Combiner

To view an individual decision combiner, perform an HTTP GET on its resource.

To read an individual decision combiner, perform an HTTP GET to the /json/decisioncombiners endpoint, and specify the decision combiner name in the URL.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an Administrator user who has access to perform the operation.

$ curl \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \{ "title" : "DenyOverride"}

2.1.3.RESTful OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect 1.0 and UMA 1.0 Services

This section shows how to use the OpenAM RESTful interfaces for OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect 1.0, and UMA 1.0.

In this section, long URLs are wrapped to fit the printed page, as some of the output is formatted for easier reading. 2.0

OpenAM exposes the following REST endpoints for different OAuth 2.0 purposes:

  • Endpoints for OAuth 2.0 clients and resource servers, mostly defined in RFC 6749, The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework, with additional tokeninfo and introspect endpoints useful to resource servers and clients.

  • An endpoint for reading OAuth 2.0 resource sets. This is specific to OpenAM.

  • An endpoint for OAuth 2.0 token administration. This is specific to OpenAM.

  • An endpoint for OAuth 2.0 client administration. This is specific to OpenAM.

When accessing the APIs, browser-based REST clients can rely on OpenAM to handle the session as usual. First authenticate with OpenAM. Then perform the operations in the browser session.

Clients not running in a browser can authenticate as described in , whereby OpenAM returns a value. Clients pass the value in a header named after the authentication cookie, by default iplanetDirectoryPro. 2.0 Client and Resource Server Endpoints

OpenAM exposes REST endpoints for making calls to OpenAM acting as an authorization server, as described in Chapter13, "Managing OAuth 2.0 Authorization" in the Administration Guide.

In addition to the standard authorization and token endpoints described in RFC 6749, OpenAM also exposes a token information endpoint for resource servers to get information about access tokens so they can determine how to respond to requests for protected resources, and an introspection endpoint to retrieve metadata about a token, such as approved scopes and the context in which the token was issued. OpenAM as authorization server exposes the following endpoints for clients and resource servers.


Authorization endpoint defined in RFC 6749, used to obtain an authorization grant from the resource owner.

The /oauth2/authorize endpoint is protected by the policy created during OAuth 2.0 authorization server configuration, which grants all authenticated users access.


$ curl \\ ?client_id=myClient\ &response_type=code\ &scope=profile\ &redirect_uri=

If creating your own consent page, you can create a POST request to the endpoint with the following additional parameters:


Whether the resource owner consents to the requested access, or denies consent.

Valid values are allow or deny.


Updates the resource owner's profile to avoid having to prompt the resource owner to grant authorization when the client issues subsequent authorization requests.

To save consent, set the save_consent property to on.

You must provide the Saved Consent Attribute Name property with a profile attribute in which to store the resource owner's consent decision.

For more information on setting this property in the OAuth2 Provider service, see Section1.4.10, "OAuth2 Provider" in the Reference.


Duplicates the contents of the iPlanetDirectoryPro cookie, which contains the SSO token of the resource owner giving consent.

Duplicating the cookie value helps prevent against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks.


$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \ --Cookie "iPlanetDirectoryPro=AQIC5w...*" \ --data "redirect_uri=" \ --data "scope=profile" \ --data "response_type=code" \ --data "client_id=myClient" \ --data "csrf=AQIC5w...*" \ --data "decision=allow" \ --data "save_consent=on" \ ""\ "&realm=/&scope=profile&redirect_uri="

You must specify the realm if the OpenAM OAuth 2.0 provider is configured for a subrealm rather than the top-level realm. For example, if the OAuth 2.0 provider is configured for the /customers realm, then use /oauth2/customers/authorize.

The /oauth2/authorize endpoint can take additional parameters, such as:

  • module and service. Use either as described in Section2.7, "Authenticating To OpenAM" in the Administration Guide, where module specifies the authentication module instance to use or service specifies the authentication chain to use when authenticating the resource owner.

  • response_mode=form_post. Use this parameter to return a self-submitting form that contains the code instead of redirecting to the redirect URL with the code as a string parameter. For more information, see the OAuth 2.0 Form Post Response Mode spec.


Token endpoint defined in RFC 6749, used to obtain an access token from the authorization server


The /oauth2/access_token endpoint can take an additional parameter, auth_chain=authentication-chain, which allows client to specify the authentication chain to use for Password Grant Type.

The following example shows how a client can specify the authentication chain, myAuthChain:

$ curl \--request POST \--user "myClientID:password" \--data "grant_type=password&username=amadmin&password=cangetinam&scope=profile&auth_chain=myAuthChain" \

The /oauth2/access_token endpoint can take additional parameters. In particular, you must specify the realm if the OpenAM OAuth 2.0 provider is configured for a subrealm rather than the top-level realm.

For example, if the OAuth 2.0 provider is configured for the /customers realm, then use /oauth2/customers/access_token.


Device flow endpoint as defined by the Internet-Draft OAuth 2.0 Device Flow, used by a client device to obtain a device code or an access token.


For more information, see Section2., "Using REST for OAuth 2.0 Device Flow".


When a user logs out of an application, the application revokes any OAuth 2.0 tokens (access and refresh tokens) that are associated with the user. The client can also revoke a token without the need of an SSOToken by sending a request to the /oauth2/token/revoke endpoint as follows:

$ curl \--request POST \--data "token=d06ab31e-9cdb-403e-855f-bd77652add84" \--data "client_id=MyClientID" \--data "client_secret=password" \

If you are revoking an access token, then that token will be revoked. If you are revoking a refresh token, then both the refresh token and any other associated access tokens will also be revoked. Associated access tokens means that any other tokens that have come out of the same authorization grant will also be revoked. For cases where a client has multiple access tokens for a single user that were obtained via different authorization grants, then the client will have to make multiple calls to the /oauth2/token/revoke endpoint to invalidate each token.


Endpoint not defined in RFC 6749, used to validate tokens, and to retrieve information, such as scopes.

The /oauth2/tokeninfo endpoint takes an HTTP GET on /oauth2/tokeninfo?access_token=token-id, and returns information about the token.

Resource servers — or any party having the token ID — can get token information through this endpoint without authenticating. This means any application or user can validate the token without having to be registered with ${am.abbr}.

Given an access token, a resource server can perform an HTTP GET on /oauth2/tokeninfo?access_token=token-id to retrieve a JSON object indicating token_type, expires_in, scope, and the access_token ID.


The following example shows ${am.abbr} issuing an access token, and then returning token information:

$ curl \--request POST \--user "myClientID:password" \--data "grant_type=password&username=demo&password=changeit&scope=cn%20mail" \ { "expires_in": 599, "token_type": "Bearer", "refresh_token": "f6dcf133-f00b-4943-a8d4-ee939fc1bf29", "access_token": "f9063e26-3a29-41ec-86de-1d0d68aa85e9" }$ curl\ ?access_token=f9063e26-3a29-41ec-86de-1d0d68aa85e9 { "mail": "", "grant_type":"password", "scope": [ "mail", "cn" ], "cn": "demo", "realm": "/", "cnf": { "jwk": { "alg": "RS512", "e": "AQAB", "n": "k7qLlj...G2oucQ", "kty": "RSA", "use": "sig", "kid": "myJWK" } } "token_type": "Bearer", "expires_in": 577, "client_id": "MyClientID", "access_token": "f9063e26-3a29-41ec-86de-1d0d68aa85e9"}


Running a GET method to the /oauth2/tokeninfo endpoint as shown in the previous example writes the token ID to the access log. To not expose the token ID in the logs, send the OAuth 2.0 access token as part of the authorization bearer header:

$ curl \--request GET \--header "Authorization Bearer aec6b050-b0a4-4ece-a86f-bd131decbb9c" \""

The resource server making decisions about whether the token is valid can thus use the /oauth2/tokeninfo endpoint to retrieve expiration information about the token. Depending on the scopes implementation, the JSON response about the token can also contain scope information. As described in Section13.1.3, "Using Your Own Client and Resource Server" in the Administration Guide, the default scopes implementation in ${am.abbr} considers scopes to be names of attributes in the resource owner's user profile. Notice that the JSON response contains the values for those attributes from the user's profile, as in the preceding example, with scopes set to mail and cn.


Endpoint defined in draft-ietf-oauth-introspection-04, used to retrieve metadata about a token, such as approved scopes and the context in which the token was issued.

Given an access token, a client can perform an HTTP POST on /oauth2/introspect?token=access_token to retrieve a JSON object indicating the following:


Is the token active.


A space-separated list of the scopes associated with the token.


Client identifier of the client that requested the token.


The user who authorized the token.


The type of token.


When the token expires, in seconds since January 1 1970 UTC.


Subject of the token.


Issuer of the token.

The /oauth2/introspect endpoint requires authentication, and supports basic authorization (a base64-encoded string of client_id:client_secret), client_id and client_secret passed as header values, or a JWT bearer token.

The following example demonstrates the /oauth2/introspect endpoint with basic authorization:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "Authorization: Basic ZGVtbzpjaGFuZ2VpdA==" \ \ ?token=f9063e26-3a29-41ec-86de-1d0d68aa85e9 { "active": true, "scope": "mail cn", "client_id": "myOAuth2Client", "user_id": "demo", "token_type": "Bearer", "exp": 1419356238, "sub": "", "iss": "" }


Running a POST method to the /oauth2/introspect endpoint as shown in the previous example writes the token ID to the access log. To hide the token ID in the logs, send the OAuth 2.0 access token as part of the POST body:

$ curl \--request POST \--header "Authorization Basic ZGVtbzpjaGFuZ2VpdA==" \--data "token=f9063e26-3a29-41ec-86de-1d0d68aa85e9" \""

The /oauth2/authorize, and /oauth2/access_token endpoints function as described in RFC 6749.

The /oauth2/authorize endpoint is protected by the policy created during OAuth 2.0 authorization server configuration, which grants all authenticated users access.

The /oauth2/tokeninfo endpoint takes an HTTP GET on /oauth2/tokeninfo?access_token=token-id, and returns information about the token.

Resource servers — or any party having the token ID — can get token information through this endpoint without authenticating. This means any application or user can validate the token without having to be registered with OpenAM.

The following example shows OpenAM issuing an access token, and then returning token information:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --user "myClientID:password" \ --data "grant_type=password&username=demo&password=changeit&scope=cn%20mail" \{ "expires_in": 599, "token_type": "Bearer", "refresh_token": "f6dcf133-f00b-4943-a8d4-ee939fc1bf29", "access_token": "f9063e26-3a29-41ec-86de-1d0d68aa85e9"}$ curl\?access_token=f9063e26-3a29-41ec-86de-1d0d68aa85e9{ "mail": "", "scope": [ "mail", "cn" ], "cn": "demo", "realm": "/", "token_type": "Bearer", "expires_in": 577, "access_token": "f9063e26-3a29-41ec-86de-1d0d68aa85e9"} 

The resource server making decisions about whether the token is valid can thus use the /oauth2/tokeninfo endpoint to retrieve expiration information about the token. Depending on the scopes implementation, the JSON response about the token can also contain scope information. As described in Section13.1.3, "Using Your Own Client and Resource Server" in the Administration Guide, the default scopes implementation in OpenAM considers scopes to be names of attributes in the resource owner's user profile. Notice that the JSON response contains the values for those attributes from the user's profile, as in the preceding example, with scopes set to mail and cn.

Both the /oauth2/authorize and /oauth2/access_token endpoints can take additional parameters. In particular you must specify the realm using the realm=realm-name parameter if the OpenAM OAuth 2.0 provider is configured for a subrealm rather than / (Top Level Realm). For example, if the OAuth 2.0 provider is configured for the /customers realm, then use /oauth2/authorize?realm=/customers and /oauth2/access_token?realm=/customers.

The /oauth2/authorize endpoint can also take module and service parameters. Use either as described in Section2.7, "Authenticating To OpenAM" in the Administration Guide, where module specifies the authentication module instance to use or service specifies the authentication chain to use when authenticating the resource owner. REST for OAuth 2.0 Device Flow

If a client device has a limited user interface, it can obtain an OAuth 2.0 device code and ask a user to authorize the client on a more full-featured user agent, such as an Internet browser.

OpenAM provides the /oauth2/device/code and /oauth2/access_token REST endpoints to support the OAuth 2.0 Device Flow.

Procedure2.4.To Use the OAuth 2.0 Device Flow

  1. Ensure that an OAuth 2.0/OpenID Connect client Agent profile is configured in OpenAM, as described in Section5.8, "Configuring OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect 1.0 Clients" in the Administration Guide.

  2. Create a POST request to the /oauth2/device/code endpoint to acquire a device code. The following URL parameters are required:


    Specifies the response type required by the request. Must be set to token.


    Specifies the list of scopes requested by the client, separated by URL-encoded space characters.


    Specifies the name of the client agent profile in OpenAM.

    $ curl \--data response_type=token \--data scope=phone%20email%20profile%20address \--data client_id=myDeviceAgentProfile \{ "interval": 5, "device_code": "7a95a0a4-6f13-42e3-ac3e-d3d159c94c55", "verification_url": "", "user_code": "VAL12e0v", "expires_in": 300}

    On success, OpenAM returns a verification URL that the user should visit, and a user code they must enter at that URL. OpenAM also returns an interval, in seconds, that the client device must wait for in between requests for an access token.

  3. The user should visit the verification URL and enter the user code.

    Figure2.1.OAuth 2.0 User Code

  4. The user should then authorize the device flow client by allowing the requested scopes:

    Figure2.2.OAuth 2.0 Consent Page

  5. On the client device, create a POST request to poll the /oauth2/access_token endpoint to request an access token. Include the client ID, client secret, and the device code as query parameters in the request. You must also specify a grant_type of

    The client device must wait for the number of seconds previously provided as the value of interval between polling OpenAM for an access token.

    $ curl \--data client_id=myDeviceAgentProfile \--data client_secret=password \--data grant_type= \--data code=7a95a0a4-6f13-42e3-ac3e-d3d159c94c55 \{ "scope": "phone email address profile", "code": "20c1fc0c-3153-4a11-8d1f-d815c1a522b5"}

    If the user has authorized the client device, an HTTP 200 status code is returned, with an access token that can be used to request resources, and a list of the requested scopes.

    OpenAM adds the client device to the user's profile page in the Authorized Apps section. For more information, see Section13.4.3, "User Consent Management" in the Administration Guide.

    If the user has not yet authorized the client device, an HTTP 403 status code is returned, with the following error message:

    { "error": "authorization_pending", "error_description": "The user has not yet completed authorization"}

    If the client device is polling faster than the specified interval, an HTTP 400 status code is returned, with the following error message:

    { "error": "slow_down", "error_description": "The polling interval has not elapsed since the last request"} 2.0 Resource Set Endpoint

OpenAM provides a read-only REST endpoint for viewing a resource set registered to a particular user. The endpoint is /json{/realm}/users/user/oauth2/resourcesets/resource_set_ID, so for example

To read a resource set, either the resource set owner or an administrator such as amadmin must have logged in to OpenAM (the authorization server) and have been issued an SSO token.

Procedure2.5.To Read an OAuth 2.0 Resource Set

  • Create a GET request to the resourcesets endpoint, including the SSO token in a header based on the configured session cookie name (for example: iPlanetDirectoryPro), and with the resource set ID in the URL.

    The following example uses an SSO token acquired by the amadmin user to view a resource set, and related policy, belonging to the demo user in the top level realm:

    $ curl \--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5wM2LY4Sfcxs...EwNDU2NjE0*" \\/oauth2/resourcesets/43225628-4c5b-4206-b7cc-5164da81decd0{ "scopes": [ "", "" ], "_id": "43225628-4c5b-4206-b7cc-5164da81decd0", "resourceServer": "UMA-Resource-Server", "name": "My Videos", "icon_uri": "", "policy": { "permissions": [ { "subject": "user.1", "scopes": [ "" ] }, { "subject": "user.2", "scopes": [ "", "" ] } ] }, "type": ""} 


    You can specify the fields that are returned with the _fields query string filter. For example ?_fields=scopes, resourceServer, name

    On success, an HTTP 200 OK status code is returned, with a JSON body representing the resource set. If a policy relating to the resource set exists, a representation of the policy is also returned in the JSON.

    If the specified resource set does not exist, an HTTP 404 Not Found status code is returned, as follows:

    { "code": 404, "reason": "Not Found", "message": "No resource set with id, bad-id-3e28-4c19-8a2b-36fc24c899df0, found."}

    If the SSO token used is not that of the resource set owner or an administrator, an HTTP 403 Forbidden status code is returned, as follows:

    { "code": 403, "reason": "Forbidden", "message": "User, user.1, not authorized."} 2.0 Token Administration Endpoint

The OpenAM-specific OAuth 2.0 token administration endpoint lets administrators read, list, and delete OAuth 2.0 tokens. OAuth 2.0 clients can also manage their own tokens.

OpenAM exposes the token administration endpoint at /frrest/oauth2/token, such as


This endpoint location is likely to change in the future.

To get a token, perform an HTTP GET on /frrest/oauth2/token/token-id, as in the following example:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --user "myClientID:password" \ --data "grant_type=password&username=demo&password=changeit&scope=cn" \{ "scope": "cn", "expires_in": 60, "token_type": "Bearer", "access_token": "f5fb4833-ba3d-41c8-bba4-833b49c3fe2c"}$ curl \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5wM2LY4Sfcxs...EwNDU2NjE0*" \{ "expireTime": [ "1418818601396" ], "tokenName": [ "access_token" ], "scope": [ "cn" ], "grant_type": [ "password" ], "clientID": [ "myClientID" ], "parent": [], "id": [ "f5fb4833-ba3d-41c8-bba4-833b49c3fe2c" ], "tokenType": [ "Bearer" ], "redirectURI": [], "nonce": [], "realm": [ "/" ], "userName": [ "demo" ]} 

To list tokens, perform an HTTP GET on /frrest/oauth2/token/?_queryId=string, where string is either access_token to request the list of access tokens for the current user or all users if requested by amAdmin, or any other string to request the list of access tokens and refresh tokens.

The following example shows a search for the demo user's access tokens:

$ curl \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5wM2LY4Sfcw..." \{ "result": [ { "expireTime": "Dec 17, 2014 1:02 PM", "tokenName": [ "access_token" ], "scope": [ "cn" ], "grant_type": [ "password" ], "clientID": [ "myClientID" ], "parent": [], "id": [ "d2bbd4f9-955f-4683-bb83-bc0d7523b0f9" ], "tokenType": [ "Bearer" ], "redirectURI": [], "nonce": [], "realm": [ "/" ], "userName": [ "demo" ], "display_name": "", "scopes": "cn" }, { "expireTime": "Dec 17, 2014 1:02 PM", "tokenName": [ "access_token" ], "scope": [ "cn" ], "grant_type": [ "password" ], "clientID": [ "myClientID" ], "parent": [], "id": [ "12f9907f-dbfb-4c4c-a231-2b24964fee8b" ], "tokenType": [ "Bearer" ], "redirectURI": [], "nonce": [], "realm": [ "/" ], "userName": [ "demo" ], "display_name": "", "scopes": "cn" } ], "resultCount": 2, "pagedResultsCookie": null, "remainingPagedResults": -1} 

To delete a token, perform an HTTP DELETE on /frrest/oauth2/token/token-id, as in the following example:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --data "grant_type=client_credentials&username=demo&password=changeit\&client_id=myClientID&client_secret=password&scope=cn%20mail" \{ "expires_in": 599, "token_type": "Bearer", "access_token": "867aaab2-61d7-4b78-9b80-4f9098034540"}$ curl \ --request DELETE \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5wM2LY4Sfcxs...EwNDU2NjE0*" \{ "success": "true"} 2.0 Client Administration Endpoint

The OAuth 2.0 administration endpoint lets OpenAM administrators and agent administrators create (that is, register) and delete OAuth 2.0 clients.

OpenAM exposes this endpoint at /frrest/oauth2/client, such as


This endpoint location is likely to change in the future.

To create an OAuth 2.0 client, perform an HTTP POST to /frrest/oauth2/client/?_action=create with a JSON object fully specifying the client, as in the following example:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5wM...3MTYxOA..*" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data \ '{"client_id":["testClient"], "realm":["/"], "userpassword":["secret12"], "com.forgerock.openam.oauth2provider.clientType":["Confidential"], "com.forgerock.openam.oauth2provider.redirectionURIs": ["",""], "com.forgerock.openam.oauth2provider.scopes":["cn","sn"], "com.forgerock.openam.oauth2provider.defaultScopes":["cn"], "":["My Test Client"], "com.forgerock.openam.oauth2provider.description":["OAuth 2.0 Client"] }' \{"success":"true"} 

When creating an OAuth 2.0 client, use the following fields in your JSON object:


(Required) This field takes an array containing the client identifier as defined in RFC 6749.


(Required) This field takes an array containing the OpenAM realm in which to create the client as defined in RFC 6749.


(Required) This field takes an array containing the client secret as defined in RFC 6749.


(Required) This field takes an array containing the client type, either "Confidential" or "Public" as defined in RFC 6749.


(Optional for confidential clients) This field takes an array of client redirection endpoints as defined in RFC 6749.


(Optional) This field takes an array of scopes as defined in RFC 6749. The default scopes implementation takes scopes to be names of attributes in the resource owner profile.

Specify localized scopes in scope|locale|localized description format.


(Optional) This field takes an array of default scopes set automatically when tokens are issued.

(Optional) This field takes an array containing the client name to display to the resource owner when the resource owner must authorize client access to protected resources.

Specify localized names in locale|localized name format.


(Optional) This field takes an array containing the description to display to the resource owner when the resource owner must authorize client access to protected resources.

Specify localized descriptions in locale|localized description format.

To delete an OAuth 2.0 client, perform an HTTP DELETE on /frrest/oauth2/client/client-id, as in the following example:

$ curl \ --request DELETE \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5wM...3MTYxOA..*" \{"success":"true"} 


To delete an OAuth 2.0 client from a subrealm, add the name of the subrealm in a query parameter named realm, as in the following example:

$ curl \ --request DELETE \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5wM...3MTYxOA..*" \{"success":"true"} Connect 1.0

OpenID Connect 1.0 extends OAuth 2.0 so the client can verify claims about the identity of the end user, get profile information about the end user, and log the user out at the end of the OpenAM session.

OpenAM exposes the following REST endpoints for OpenID Connect 1.0 purposes:

  • Endpoints for discovering information.

  • An endpoint for registering client applications.

  • Endpoints for client authorization.

  • Endpoints for session management. OpenID Connect 1.0 Configuration

OpenAM exposes endpoints for discovering information about the provider configuration, and about the provider for a given end user:

  • /oauth2/.well-known/openid-configuration allows clients to retrieve OpenID Provider configuration by HTTP GET as specified by OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0.

  • /oauth2/.well-known/webfinger allows clients to retrieve the provider URL for an end user by HTTP GET as specified by OpenID Connect Discovery 1.0.

For examples, see Configuring OpenAM For OpenID Connect Discovery in the Administration Guide.


OpenAM supports a provider service that allows the realm to have a configured option for obtaining the base URL (including protocol) for components that need to return a URL to the client. This service is used to provide the URL base that is used in the .well-known endpoints used in OpenID Connect 1.0 and UMA.

For more information, see Section14.4, "Configuring the Base URL Source Service" in the Administration Guide. OpenID Connect 1.0 Clients

OpenAM allows both static and dynamic registration of OpenID Connect client applications. For dynamic registration according to the OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration 1.0 specification, the endpoint is /oauth2/connect/register. See Procedure14.4, "To Register a Relying Party Dynamically" in the Administration Guide for details. OpenID Connect 1.0 Client Authorization

Registered clients can request authorization through OpenAM.

OpenID Connect 1.0 supports both a Basic Client Profile using the OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant, and an Implicit Client Profile using the OAuth 2.0 implicit grant. These client profiles rely on the OAuth 2.0 endpoints for authorization. Those endpoints are described in Section2., "OAuth 2.0 Client and Resource Server Endpoints".

In addition, authorized clients can access end user information through the OpenID Connect 1.0 specific endpoint /oauth2/userinfo.

For examples, see Section14.7, "Relying Party Examples" in the Administration Guide. OpenID Connect 1.0 Sessions

Registered clients can use OpenID Connect Session Management 1.0 to handle end user logout actions.

  • /oauth2/connect/checkSession allows clients to retrieve session status notifications.

  • /oauth2/connect/endSession allows clients to terminate end user sessions.

For an example, see Section14.6, "Managing OpenID Connect User Sessions" in the Administration Guide. Access (UMA)

User-Managed Access (UMA) is a profile of OAuth 2.0 that lets resource owners control access to protected resources on any number of resource servers from arbitrary requesting parties.

OpenAM acts as the centralized authorization server and governs access using policies created by resource owners.

OpenAM exposes the following REST endpoints for User-Managed Access purposes:

  • An endpoint for automatic configuration and registration of the Authorization Server.

  • An endpoint for registering sets of resources.

  • An endpoint for managing UMA policies.

  • Endpoints for requesting and granting authorization for access to resources. UMA Configuration

OpenAM exposes an endpoint for discovering information about the UMA provider configuration.

A resource server or client can perform an HTTP GET on /uma{/realm}/.well-known/uma-configuration to retrieve a JSON object indicating the UMA configuration.

For an example, see Configuring OpenAM For UMA Discovery in the Administration Guide. UMA Resource Sets

UMA uses the OAuth 2.0 Resource Set Registration standard for registration and management of resources. The endpoint is /oauth2/resource_set/. For details, see Section15.4, "Managing UMA Resource Sets" in the Administration Guide.

OpenAM also provides a read-only endpoint for viewing a user's resource sets, and if available policy definitions. For more information, see Section2., "OAuth 2.0 Resource Set Endpoint". UMA Policies

OpenAM exposes the following endpoint for managing UMA policies:


For managing UMA policies. For details, see Section15.6, "Managing UMA Policies" in the Administration Guide. UMA Protected Resources

OpenAM exposes the following endpoints for managing UMA workflow and accessing protected resources:


For registering permission requests. For more information, see Procedure15.22, "To Register an UMA Permission Request" in the Administration Guide.


For acquiring requesting party tokens. For more information, see Procedure15.24, "To Acquire a Requesting Party Token" in the Administration Guide.

2.1.4.RESTful User Self-Service

This section shows how to use the OpenAM RESTful interfaces for user self-service functionality: user self-registration, forgotten password reset, forgotten username retrieval, dashboard configuration, and device profile reset.

The steps to perform user self-service via the REST APIs varies depending on the configured user self-service process flow. For more information, see Section8.2, "User Self-Service Process Flows" in the Administration Guide.

When performing user self-service functions, you can enable one or more security methods, such as email validation, Google reCAPTCHA, knowledge-based authentication, or custom plugins. Each configured security method requires requests to be sent from OpenAM to the client, and completed responses returned to OpenAM to verify.


At least one security method should be enabled for each self-service feature.

A unique token is provided in the second request to the client that must be used in any subsequent responses, so that OpenAM can maintain the state of the self-service process.

In this section, long URLs are wrapped to fit the printed page, and some of the output is formatted for easier reading. Users

This section explains how to use the REST APIs for registering a user in OpenAM.

Procedure2.6.To Register a User with the REST APIs

  1. Create a GET request to the /selfservice/userRegistration endpoint. Notice that the request does not require any form of authentication.

    $ curl \{ "type": "emailValidation", "tag": "initial", "requirements": { "$schema": "", "description": "Verify your email address", "type": "object", "required": [ "mail" ], "properties": { "mail": { "description": "Email address", "type": "string" } } }}

    OpenAM sends the first request for security information. In this example, the first request is of type emailValidation, but other types include captcha if the Google reCAPTCHA plugin is enabled, and kbaSecurityAnswerDefinitionStage if knowledge-based authentication is required.

    The required array defines the data that must be returned to OpenAM to progress past this step of the registration.

    The properties element contains additional information about the required response, such as a description of the required field, or the site key required to generate a reCAPTCHA challenge.

  2. Create a POST response back to the /selfservice/userRegistration endpoint with a query string containing _action=submitRequirements. In the POST data, include an input element in the JSON structure, which should contain values for each element in the required array of the request.

    In this example, a mail value was requested.

    $ curl \--request POST \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--data \'{ "input": { "mail": "" }}' \{ "type": "emailValidation", "tag": "validateCode", "requirements": { "$schema": "", "description": "Verify emailed code", "type": "object", "required": [ "code" ], "properties": { "code": { "description": "Enter code emailed", "type": "string" } } }, "token": "eyAicHis...PIF-lN4s"}

    If the response was accepted, OpenAM continues with the registration process and sends the next request for information. In this example, the email address was accepted and a code was emailed to the address, which OpenAM requires in the response in an element named code before continuing.

    The value of the token element should be included in this and any subsequent responses to OpenAM for this registration.

  3. Continue returning POST data to OpenAM containing the requested information, in the format specified in the request. Also return the token value in the POST data, so that OpenAM can track which stage of the registration process is being completed.

    $ curl \--request POST \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--data \'{ "input": { "code": "cf53fcb6-3bf2-44eb-a437-885296899699" }, "token": "eyAicHis...PIF-lN4s"}' \{ "type": "userDetails", "tag": "initial", "requirements": { "$schema": "", "description": "New user details", "type": "object", "required": [ "user" ], "properties": { "user": { "description": "User details", "type": "object" } } }, "token": "eyAicHis...PIF-lN4s"}
  4. When requested—when the type value in the request is userDetails—supply the details of the new user as an object in the POST data.

    $ curl \--request POST \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--data \'{ "input": { "user": { "username": "demo", "givenName": "Demo User", "sn": "User", "userPassword": "d3m0", "inetUserStatus": "Active" } }, "token": "eyAicHis...PIF-lN4s"}' \{ "type": "selfRegistration", "tag": "end", "status": { "success": true }, "additions": {} }

    When the process is complete, the tag element has a value of end. If the success element in the status element has a value of true, then self-registration is complete and the user account was created. Forgotten Usernames

This section explains how to use the REST APIs to retrieve a forgotten username.

Procedure2.7.To Retrieve a Forgotten Username with the REST APIs

  1. Create a GET request to the /selfservice/forgottenUsername endpoint. Notice that the request does not require any form of authentication.

    $ curl \{ "type": "captcha", "tag": "initial", "requirements": { "$schema": "", "description": "Captcha stage", "type": "object", "required": [ "response" ], "properties": { "response": { "recaptchaSiteKey": "6Lfr1...cIqbd", "description": "Captcha response", "type": "string" } } }}

    In this example, the Google reCAPTCHA plugin is enabled, so the first request is of the captcha type.

  2. Create a POST response back to the /selfservice/forgottenUsername endpoint with a query string containing _action=submitRequirements. In the POST data, include an input element in the JSON structure, which should contain values for each element in the required array of the request.

    In this example, a response value was requested, which should be the user input as provided after completing the Google reCAPTCHA challenge.

    $ curl \--request POST \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--data \'{ "input": { "response": "03AHJ...qiE1x4" }}' \{ "type": "userQuery", "tag": "initial", "requirements": { "$schema": "", "description": "Find your account", "type": "object", "required": [ "queryFilter" ], "properties": { "queryFilter": { "description": "filter string to find account", "type": "string" } } }, "token": "eyAicHis...PIF-lN4s"}

    If the response was accepted, OpenAM continues with the username retrieval process and sends the next request for information. In this example, the Google reCAPTCHA was verified and OpenAM is requesting details about the account name to retrieve, which must be provided in a queryFilter element.

    The value of the token element should be included in this and all subsequent responses to OpenAM for this retrieval process.

  3. Create a POST response to OpenAM with a queryFilter value in the POST data containing the user's email address associated with their account.

    For more information on query filters, see Section2.1.1.6, "Filtering, Sorting, and Paging Results".

    $ curl \--request POST \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--data \'{ "input": { "queryFilter": "mail eq \"\"" }, "token": "eyAicHis...PIF-lN4s"}' \{ "type": "kbaSecurityAnswerVerificationStage", "tag": "initial", "requirements": { "$schema": "", "description": "Answer security questions", "type": "object", "required": [ "answer1" ], "properties": { "answer1": { "systemQuestion": { "en": "What was the model of your first car?" }, "type": "string" } } }, "token": "eyAicHis...PIF-lN4s"}

    If a single subject is located that matches the provided query filter, the retrieval process continues.

    If KBA is enabled, OpenAM requests answers to the configured number of KBA questions, as in this example.

    If a subject is not found, an HTTP 400 Bad Request status is returned, and an error message in the JSON data:

    { "code": 400, "reason": "Bad Request", "message": "Unable to find account"}
  4. Return a POST response with the answers as values of the elements specified in the required array, in this example answer1. Ensure the same token value is sent with each response.

    $ curl \--request POST \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--data \'{ "input": { "answer1": "Mustang" }, "token": "eyAicHis...PIF-lN4s"}' \{ "type": "retrieveUsername", "tag": "end", "status": { "success": true }, "additions": { "userName": "demo" }}

    When the process is complete, the tag element has a value of end. If the success element in the status element has a value of true, then username retrieval is complete and the username is emailed to the registered address.

    If the Show Username option is enabled for username retrieval, the username retrieved is also returned in the JSON response as the value of the userName element, as in the example above. Forgotten Passwords

This section explains how to use the REST APIs to replace a forgotten password.

Procedure2.8.To Replace a Forgotten Password with the REST APIs

  1. Create a GET request to the /selfservice/forgottenPassword endpoint. Notice that the request does not require any form of authentication.

    $ curl \{ "type": "captcha", "tag": "initial", "requirements": { "$schema": "", "description": "Captcha stage", "type": "object", "required": [ "response" ], "properties": { "response": { "recaptchaSiteKey": "6Lfr1...cIqbd", "description": "Captcha response", "type": "string" } } }}

    In this example the Google reCAPTCHA plugin is enabled, so the first request is of the captcha type.

  2. Create a POST response back to the /selfservice/forgottenPassword endpoint with a query string containing _action=submitRequirements. In the POST data, include an input element in the JSON structure, which should contain values for each element in the required array of the request.

    In this example, a response value was requested, which should be the user input as provided after completing the Google reCAPTCHA challenge.

    $ curl \--request POST \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--data \'{ "input": { "response": "03AHJ...qiE1x4" }}' \{ "type": "userQuery", "tag": "initial", "requirements": { "$schema": "", "description": "Find your account", "type": "object", "required": [ "queryFilter" ], "properties": { "queryFilter": { "description": "filter string to find account", "type": "string" } } }, "token": "eyAicHis...PIF-lN4s"}

    If the response was accepted, OpenAM continues with the password reset process and sends the next request for information. In this example, the Google reCAPTCHA was verified and OpenAM is requesting details about the account with the password to replace, which must be provided in a queryFilter element.

    The value of the token element should be included in this and all subsequent responses to OpenAM for this reset process.

  3. Create a POST response to OpenAM with a queryFilter value in the POST data containing the username of the subject with the password to replace.

    For more information on query filters, see Section2.1.1.6, "Filtering, Sorting, and Paging Results".

    $ curl \--request POST \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--data \'{ "input": { "queryFilter": "uid eq \"demo\"" }, "token": "eyAicHis...PIF-lN4s"}' \{ "type": "kbaSecurityAnswerVerificationStage", "tag": "initial", "requirements": { "$schema": "", "description": "Answer security questions", "type": "object", "required": [ "answer1" ], "properties": { "answer1": { "systemQuestion": { "en": "What was the model of your first car?" }, "type": "string" } } }, "token": "eyAicHis...PIF-lN4s"}

    If a single subject is located that matches the provided query filter, the password reset process continues.

    If a subject is not found, an HTTP 400 Bad Request status is returned, and an error message in the JSON data:

    { "code": 400, "reason": "Bad Request", "message": "Unable to find account" }
  4. Continue returning POST data to OpenAM containing the requested information, in the format specified in the request. Also return the token value in the POST data, so that OpenAM can track which stage of the password reset process is being completed.

    $ curl \--request POST \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--data \'{ "input": { "answer1": "Mustang" }, "token": "eyAicHis...PIF-lN4s"}' \{ "type": "resetStage", "tag": "initial", "requirements": { "$schema": "", "description": "Reset password", "type": "object", "required": [ "password" ], "properties": { "password": { "description": "Password", "type": "string" } } }, "token": "eyAicHis...PIF-lN4s"}
  5. When requested—when the type value in the request is resetStage—supply the new password in the POST data.

    $ curl \--request POST \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--data \'{ "input": { "password": "User1234" }, "token": "eyAicHis...PIF-lN4s"}' \{ "type": "resetStage", "tag": "end", "status": { "success": true }, "additions": {}}

    When the process is complete, the tag element has a value of end. If the success element in the status element has a value of true, then password reset is complete and the new password is now active.

    If the password is not accepted, an HTTP 400 Bad Request status is returned, and an error message in the JSON data:

    { "code": 400, "reason": "Bad Request", "message": "Minimum password length is 8."} Dashboard Applications

OpenAM lets administrators configure online applications to display applications on user Dashboards. You can used exposed REST API to display information about the online applications.


This endpoint retrieves the list of applications assigned to the authenticated user.

$ curl \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...2NzEz*" \{ "google": { "dashboardIcon": [ "Google.gif" ], "dashboardName": [ "Google" ], "dashboardLogin": [ "" ], "ICFIdentifier": [ "" ], "dashboardDisplayName": [ "Google" ], "dashboardClassName": [ "SAML2ApplicationClass" ] }} 

This endpoint retrieves the list of applications available in the authenticated user's realm. The example is based on two of the default Dashboard applications: Google and Salesforce.

$ curl \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...2NzEz*" \{ "google": { "dashboardIcon": [ "Google.gif" ], "dashboardName": [ "Google" ], "dashboardLogin": [ "" ], "ICFIdentifier": [ "" ], "dashboardDisplayName": [ "Google" ], "dashboardClassName": [ "SAML2ApplicationClass" ] } "salesforce": { "dashboardIcon": [ "salesforce.gif" ], "dashboardName": [ "Salesforce" ], "dashboardLogin": [ "" ], "ICFIdentifier": [ "" ], "dashboardDisplayName": [ "Salesforce" ], "dashboardClassName": [ "SAML2ApplicationClass" ] }}

This endpoint retrieves the list of all applications available defined for the OpenAM Dashboard service. The example is based on the three default Dashboard applications: Google, Salesforce, and Zendesk.

$ curl \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...2NzEz*" \{ "google": { "dashboardIcon": [ "Google.gif" ], "dashboardName": [ "Google" ], "dashboardLogin": [ "" ], "ICFIdentifier": [ "idm magic 34" ], "dashboardDisplayName": [ "Google" ], "dashboardClassName": [ "SAML2ApplicationClass" ] }, "salesforce": { "dashboardIcon": [ "salesforce.gif" ], "dashboardName": [ "SalesForce" ], "dashboardLogin": [ "" ], "ICFIdentifier": [ "idm magic 12" ], "dashboardDisplayName": [ "Salesforce" ], "dashboardClassName": [ "SAML2ApplicationClass" ] }, "zendesk": { "dashboardIcon": [ "ZenDesk.gif" ], "dashboardName": [ "ZenDesk" ], "dashboardLogin": [ "" ], "ICFIdentifier": [ "idm magic 56" ], "dashboardDisplayName": [ "ZenDesk" ], "dashboardClassName": [ "SAML2ApplicationClass" ] }} 

If your application runs in a user-agent such as a browser, you can rely on OpenAM to handle authentication. Device Profiles

The OpenAM REST API provides an action that lets a user reset their own profile for a registered device running an authenticator app used for two step verification. Administrators can also use this REST API to reset a user's registered device profile.

Resetting a device profile deletes information about a user's registered device from OpenAM.

Resetting a device profile is useful when:

  • A user loses a registered device—for example, a mobile phone—but had not saved the device recovery codes available in the OpenAM dashboard.

  • A user loses a registered device and has no device recovery codes remaining.

An administrator or a user can perform an HTTP POST on /json/subrealm/users/user/devices/2fa/oath?_action=reset to reset the user's device profile:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...2NzEz*" \ --data '{}' \{"result":true}

For more information about device registration, see Section2.8.2.2, "Authenticating for the First Time From a New Device" in the Administration Guide.

2.1.5.RESTful Identity and Realm Management Services

This section shows how to use the OpenAM RESTful interfaces for identity and realm management.

In this section, long URLs are wrapped to fit the printed page, as some of the output is formatted for easier reading.

Before making a REST API call to manage a realm or an identity, make sure that you have:

  • Authenticated successfully to OpenAM as a user with sufficient privileges to make the REST API call

  • Obtained the session token returned after successful authentication

When making the REST API call, pass the session token in the HTTP header. For more information about the OpenAM session token and its use in REST API calls, see Section2.1.1.5, "Using the Session Token After Authentication". Management

This section shows how to create, read, update, delete, and list identities using the RESTful APIs.


OpenAM is not primarily an identity data store, nor is it provisioning software. For storing identity data, consider OpenDJ. For provisioning, consider OpenIDM. Both of these products provide REST APIs as well.

OpenAM has two REST APIs for managing identities:

  • Under the /json/agents, /json/groups, and /json/users, you find the newer JSON-based APIs. The newer APIs follow the ForgeRock common REST pattern creating, reading, updating, deleting, and querying resources.

    Examples in this section do not repeat the authentication shown in Authorization and Policy Management. For browser-based clients, you can rely on OpenAM cookies rather than construct the header in your application. Managing agent profiles, groups, realms, and users with these APIs of course require authorization. The examples shown in this section were performed with the token ID gained after authenticating as OpenAM administrator.

    Although the examples here show user management, you can use /json/agents, /json/groups, /json/realms in similar fashion. See Section2.1.5.2, "Realm Management" for examples related to realms.

    The following sections cover this JSON-based API:

    • Section2., "Creating Identities"

    • Section2., "Reading Identities"

    • Section2., "Updating Identities"

    • Section2., "Deleting Identities"

    • Section2., "Listing Identities"

    • Section2., "Changing Passwords" Identities

OpenAM lets administrators create a user profile by making an HTTP POST of the JSON representation of the profile to /json/subrealm/users/?_action=create. To add a user to the Top Level Realm, you do not need to specify the realm.

The following example shows an administrator creating a new user. The only required fields are username and userpassword. If no other name is provided, the entry you make for username defaults to both the user id and the user's last name:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...2NzEz*" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data \ '{ "username": "bjensen", "userpassword": "secret12", "mail": "" }' \{ "username": "bjensen", "realm": "/", "uid": [ "bjensen" ], "mail": [ "" ], "sn": [ "bjensen" ], "cn": [ "bjensen" ], "inetuserstatus": [ "Active" ], "dn": [ "uid=bjensen,ou=people,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org" ], "objectclass": [ "person", "sunIdentityServerLibertyPPService", "sunFederationManagerDataStore", "inetorgperson", "iPlanetPreferences", "iplanet-am-auth-configuration-service", "organizationalperson", "sunFMSAML2NameIdentifier", "inetuser", "iplanet-am-managed-person", "sunAMAuthAccountLockout", "iplanet-am-user-service", "top" ], "universalid": [ "id=bjensen,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org" ]} 

Alternatively, administrators can create user profiles with specific user IDs by doing an HTTP PUT of the JSON representation of the changes to /json/users/user-id, as shown in the following example:

$ curl \ --request PUT \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...2NzEz*" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --header "If-None-Match: *" \ --data \ '{ "username": "janedoe", "userpassword": "secret12", "mail": "" }' \{ "username": "janedoe", "realm": "/", "uid": [ "janedoe" ], "mail": [ "" ], "sn": [ "janedoe" ], "cn": [ "janedoe" ], "inetuserstatus": [ "Active" ], "dn": [ "uid=janedoe,ou=people,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org" ], "objectclass": [ "devicePrintProfilesContainer", "person", "sunIdentityServerLibertyPPService", "inetorgperson", "sunFederationManagerDataStore", "iPlanetPreferences", "iplanet-am-auth-configuration-service", "organizationalperson", "sunFMSAML2NameIdentifier", "inetuser", "forgerock-am-dashboard-service", "iplanet-am-managed-person", "iplanet-am-user-service", "sunAMAuthAccountLockout", "top" ], "universalid": [ "id=janedoe,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org" ]} 

As shown in the examples, OpenAM returns the JSON representation of the profile on successful creation. On failure, OpenAM returns a JSON representation of the error including the HTTP status code. For example, version 2.0 of the CREST /json/users, /json/groups, and /json/agents endpoints return 403 if the user making the request is not authorized to do so.

The same HTTP POST and PUT mechanisms also work for other objects such as policy agent profiles and groups:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...2NzEz*" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data \ '{ "username":"myAgent", "com.sun.identity.agents.config.fqdn.default": [""], "com.sun.identity.agents.config.repository.location": ["centralized"], "agenttype":["WebAgent"], "serverurl":[""], "agenturl":[""], "userpassword":["password"], "com.sun.identity.agents.config.login.url": ["[0]="], "com.sun.identity.agents.config.logout.url": ["[0]="], "sunidentityserverdevicestatus":["Active"] }' \{ "username": "myAgent", "realm": "/", "com.sun.identity.agents.config.fqdn.default": [ "" ], "com.sun.identity.agents.config.repository.location": [ "centralized" ], "AgentType": [ "WebAgent" ], "com.sun.identity.agents.config.login.url": [ "[0]=" ], "com.sun.identity.agents.config.login.url": ["[0]=" ], "com.sun.identity.agents.config.logout.url": ["[0]=" ], "sunIdentityServerDeviceStatus": [ "Active" ]} 


The command output above has been truncated to be more readable. When you create a policy agent profile, OpenAM returns the full profile in JSON format.

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...2NzEz*" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{ "username":"newGroup", "uniquemember":["uid=demo,ou=people,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org"] }' \{ "username": "newGroup", "realm": "/", "uniqueMember": [ "uid=demo,ou=people,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org" ], "cn": [ "newGroup" ], "dn": [ "cn=newGroup,ou=groups,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org" ], "objectclass": [ "groupofuniquenames", "top" ], "universalid": [ "id=newGroup,ou=group,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org" ]}$ curl \ --request PUT \ --header "If-None-Match: *" \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...2NzEz*" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{ "username":"anotherGroup", "uniquemember":["uid=demo,ou=people,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org"] }' \{ "username": "anotherGroup", "realm": "/", "uniqueMember": [ "uid=demo,ou=people,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org" ], "cn": [ "anotherGroup" ], "dn": [ "cn=anotherGroup,ou=groups,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org" ], "objectclass": [ "groupofuniquenames", "top" ], "universalid": [ "id=anotherGroup,ou=group,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org" ]} Identities

OpenAM lets users and administrators read profiles by requesting an HTTP GET on /json/subrealm/users/user-id. This allows users and administrators to verify user data, status, and directory. If users or administrators see missing or incorrect information, they can write down the correct information and add it using Section2., "Updating Identities". To read a profile on the Top Level Realm, you do not need to specify the realm.

Users can review the data associated with their own accounts, and administrators can also read other user's profiles.


If an administrator user is reading their own profile, an additional roles element, with a value of ui-admin is returned in the JSON response. The XUI verifies this element to grant or deny access to the OpenAM Console.

The following example shows an administrator accessing user data belonging to demo:

$ curl \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...2NzEz*" \{ "username": "demo", "realm": "dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "uid": [ "demo" ], "sn": [ "demo" ], "cn": [ "demo" ], "inetuserstatus": [ "Active" ], "dn": [ "uid=demo,ou=people,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org" ], "objectclass": [ "devicePrintProfilesContainer", "person", "sunIdentityServerLibertyPPService", "inetorgperson", "sunFederationManagerDataStore", "iPlanetPreferences", "iplanet-am-auth-configuration-service", "organizationalperson", "sunFMSAML2NameIdentifier", "inetuser", "forgerock-am-dashboard-service", "iplanet-am-managed-person", "iplanet-am-user-service", "sunAMAuthAccountLockout", "top" ], "universalid": [ "id=demo,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org" ]} 

Use the _fields query string parameter to restrict the list of attributes returned. This parameter takes a comma-separated list of JSON object fields to include in the result:

$ curl \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...2NzEz*" \,uid{"username":"demo","uid":["demo"]} 

As shown in the examples, OpenAM returns the JSON representation of the profile on success. On failure, OpenAM returns a JSON representation of the error including the HTTP status code.

Using HTTP GET to read also works for other objects such as agent profiles and groups:

$ curl \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...2NzEz*" \{ "username": "myAgent", "realm": "/", "com.sun.identity.agents.config.fqdn.default": [ "" ], "com.sun.identity.agents.config.repository.location": [ "centralized" ], "AgentType": [ "WebAgent" ], "com.sun.identity.agents.config.login.url": [ "[0]=" ], "com.sun.identity.agents.config.login.url": [ "[0]=" ], "com.sun.identity.agents.config.logout.url": [ "[0]=" ], "sunIdentityServerDeviceStatus": [ "Active" ]}


The command output above has been truncated to be more readable. When you read a policy agent profile, OpenAM returns the full profile in JSON format.

The _prettyPrint query string parameter can make the resulting JSON easier to read when you are viewing the resulting JSON directly:

$ curl \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...2NzEz*" \{ "username": "newGroup", "realm": "dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "uniquemember": [ "uid=demo,ou=people,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org" ], "cn": [ "newGroup" ], "dn": [ "cn=newGroup,ou=groups,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org" ], "objectclass": [ "groupofuniquenames", "top" ], "universalid": [ "id=newGroup,ou=group,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org" ]} Identities

OpenAM lets users update their own profiles, and lets administrators update other users' profiles. To update an identity do an HTTP PUT of the JSON representation of the changes to /json/subrealm/users/user-id. To update a profile on the Top Level Realm, you do not need to specify the realm.

The following example shows how users can update their own profiles:

$ curl \ --request PUT \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5...Y3MTAx*" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{ "mail": "" }' \{ "username": "demo", "realm": "/", "uid": [ "demo" ], "mail": [ "" ], "sn": [ "demo" ], "cn": [ "demo" ], "inetuserstatus": [ "Active" ], "dn": [ "uid=demo,ou=people,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org" ], "objectclass": [ "person", "sunIdentityServerLibertyPPService", "sunFederationManagerDataStore", "inetorgperson", "iPlanetPreferences", "iplanet-am-auth-configuration-service", "organizationalperson", "sunFMSAML2NameIdentifier", "inetuser", "iplanet-am-managed-person", "sunAMAuthAccountLockout", "iplanet-am-user-service", "top" ], "universalid": [ "id=demo,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org" ]} 

As shown in the example, OpenAM returns the JSON representation of the profile on success. On failure, OpenAM returns a JSON representation of the error including the HTTP status code.

You can use HTTP PUT to update other objects as well, such as policy agent profiles and groups.

The following example updates a web policy agent profile:

$ curl \ --request PUT \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5...Y3MTAx*" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{ "sunIdentityServerDeviceStatus" : [ "Inactive" ] }' \ { "username": "myAgent", "realm": "/", "com.sun.identity.agents.config.fqdn.default": [ "" ], "com.sun.identity.agents.config.repository.location": [ "centralized" ], "AgentType": [ "WebAgent" ], "com.sun.identity.agents.config.login.url": [ "[0]=" ], "com.sun.identity.agents.config.login.url": [ "[0]=" ], "com.sun.identity.agents.config.logout.url": [ "[0]=" ], "sunIdentityServerDeviceStatus": [ "Inactive" ] } 


The command output above has been truncated to be more readable. When you update a policy agent profile, OpenAM returns the full profile in JSON format.

Notice in the following example that updates newGroup the object class value is not included in the JSON sent to OpenAM:

$ curl \ --request PUT \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5...Y3MTAx*" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{ "uniquemember":[ "uid=newUser,ou=people,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "uid=demo,ou=people,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org" ] }' \{ "name": "newGroup", "realm": "/", "uniqueMember": [ "uid=newUser,ou=people,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "uid=demo,ou=people,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org" ], "cn": [ "newGroup" ], "dn": [ "cn=newGroup,ou=groups,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org" ], "objectclass": [ "groupofuniquenames", "top" ], "universalid": [ "id=newGroup,ou=group,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org" ]} Identities

OpenAM lets administrators delete a user profile by making an HTTP DELETE call to /json/subrealm/users/user-id. To delete a user from the Top Level Realm, you do not need to specify the realm.

The following example removes a user from the top level realm. Only administrators should delete users. The user id is the only field required to delete a user:

$ curl \ --request DELETE \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...2NzEz*" \{"success":"true"} 

On success, OpenAM returns a JSON object indicating success. On failure, OpenAM returns a JSON representation of the error including the HTTP status code.

You can use this same logic for other resources such as performing an HTTP DELETE of an agent profile or of a group:

$ curl \ --request DELETE \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...2NzEz*" \{"success":"true"} 
$ curl \ --request DELETE \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...2NzEz*" \{"success":"true"} 


Deleting a user does not automatically remove any of the user's sessions. If you are using stateful sessions, you can remove a user's sessions by checking for any sessions for the user and then removing them using the console's Sessions tab. If you are using stateless sessions, you cannot remove users' sessions; you must wait for the sessions to expire. Identities

OpenAM lets administrators list identities by making an HTTP GET call to /json/subrealm/users/?_queryId=*. To query the Top Level Realm, you do not need to specify the realm:

$ curl \--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...2NzEz*" \"*"{ "result": [ { "username": "amAdmin", "realm": "dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "sunIdentityMSISDNNumber": [], "mail": [], "sn": [ "amAdmin" ], "givenName": [ "amAdmin" ], "universalid": [ "id=amAdmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org" ], "cn": [ "amAdmin" ], "iplanet-am-user-success-url": [], "telephoneNumber": [], "roles": [ "ui-global-admin", "ui-realm-admin" ], "iplanet-am-user-failure-url": [], "inetuserstatus": [ "Active" ], "postalAddress": [], "dn": [ "uid=amAdmin,ou=people,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org" ], "employeeNumber": [], "iplanet-am-user-alias-list": [] }, { "username": "demo", "realm": "dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "uid": [ "demo" ], "createTimestamp": [ "20160108155628Z" ], "inetUserStatus": [ "Active" ], "mail": [ "" ], "sn": [ "demo" ], "cn": [ "demo" ], "objectClass": [ "devicePrintProfilesContainer", "person", "sunIdentityServerLibertyPPService", "sunFederationManagerDataStore", "inetorgperson", "oathDeviceProfilesContainer", "iPlanetPreferences", "iplanet-am-auth-configuration-service", "sunFMSAML2NameIdentifier", "organizationalperson", "inetuser", "kbaInfoContainer", "forgerock-am-dashboard-service", "iplanet-am-managed-person", "iplanet-am-user-service", "sunAMAuthAccountLockout", "top" ], "kbaInfo": [ { "questionId": "2", "answer": { "$crypto": { "value": { "algorithm": "SHA-256", "data": "VXGtsnjJMC...MQJ/goU5hkfF" }, "type": "salted-hash" } } }, { "questionId": "1", "answer": { "$crypto": { "value": { "algorithm": "SHA-256", "data": "cfYYzi9U...rVfFl0Tdw0iX" }, "type": "salted-hash" } } } ], "dn": [ "uid=demo,ou=people,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org" ], "universalid": [ "id=demo,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org" ], "modifyTimestamp": [ "20160113010610Z" ] } ], "resultCount": 2, "pagedResultsCookie": null, "totalPagedResultsPolicy": "NONE", "totalPagedResults": -1, "remainingPagedResults": -1}

The users endpoint also supports the _queryFilter parameter to alter the returned results. For more information, see Section2.1.1.6, "Filtering, Sorting, and Paging Results".

The _queryId=* parameter also works for other types of objects, such as agent profiles and groups:

$ curl \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...2NzEz*" \ "*"{ "result" : [ "wsp", "wsc", "agentAuth", "SecurityTokenService" ], "resultCount" : 4, "pagedResultsCookie" : null, "remainingPagedResults" : -1} 
$ curl \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...2NzEz*" \ "*"{ "result" : [ "newGroup", "anotherGroup" ], "resultCount" : 2, "pagedResultsCookie" : null, "remainingPagedResults" : -1} 

As the result lists include all objects, this capability to list identity names is mainly useful in testing.

As shown in the examples, OpenAM returns the JSON representation of the resource list if successful. On failure, OpenAM returns a JSON representation of the error including the HTTP status code. Identities Using the Session Cookie

If you only have access to the iPlanetDirectoryPro session cookie, you can retrieve the user ID by performing an HTTP POST operation on the /json/users endpoint using the idFromSession action:

$ curl \ --verbose \ --request POST \ --header "iplanetdirectorypro: AQIC5wM2LY4SfczUFNs-TJwFrCVAKgR0NulIAyNaIkQmjis.*AAJTSQACMDEA AlNLABQtNTQ3NDE2Njc5ODk4MjYzMzA2MQ..*" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json"{ "id":"demo", "realm":"/", "dn":"id=demo,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "successURL":"/openam/console", "fullLoginURL":null} Passwords

Users other than the top-level administrator can change their own passwords with an HTTP POST to /json/subrealm/users/username?_action=changePassword including the new password as the value of userpassword in the request data.


Changing the top-level administrator's password requires a more complex procedure. See Section27.5, "Administering the amadmin Account" in the Administration Guide for more information.

Users must provide the current password, which is set in the request as the value of the currentpassword.

For cases where users have forgotten their password, see Section2.1.4.2, "Retrieving Forgotten Usernames" instead.

The following example shows a successful request to change the demo user's password to password:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...NTcy*" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{ "currentpassword":"changeit", "userpassword":"password" }' \{}

On success, the response is an empty JSON object {} as shown in the example.

On failure, OpenAM returns a JSON representation of the error including the HTTP status code. See also Section2.1.1.10, "REST Status Codes" for more information.

Administrators can change non-administrative users' passwords with an HTTP PUT to /json/subrealm/users/username including the new password as the value of userpassword in the request data.

Unlike users, administrators do not provide users' current passwords when changing passwords.

The following example shows a successful request by an administrator to change the demo user's password to cangetin:

$ curl \ --request PUT \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...NTcy*" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{ "userpassword":"cangetin" }' \{ "username":"demo", "realm":"/", "uid":[ "demo" ], "universalid":[ "id=demo,ou=user,dc=example,dc=com" ], "objectClass":[ "iplanet-am-managed-person", "inetuser","sunFederationManagerDataStore", "sunFMSAML2NameIdentifier", "devicePrintProfilesContainer", "inetorgperson", "sunIdentityServerLibertyPPService", "iPlanetPreferences", "iplanet-am-user-service", "forgerock-am-dashboard-service", "organizationalperson", "top", "sunAMAuthAccountLockout", "person", "oathDeviceProfilesContainer", "iplanet-am-auth-configuration-service" ], "inetUserStatus":[ "Active" ], "dn":[ "uid=demo,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" ], "sn":[ "demo" ], "cn":[ "demo" ], "modifyTimestamp":[ "20151006213634Z" ], "createTimestamp":[ "20151005134244Z" ]}

As shown in the example, OpenAM returns the JSON representation of the profile on success. On failure, OpenAM returns a JSON representation of the error including the HTTP status code. See also Section2.1.1.10, "REST Status Codes" for more information. Management

This section shows how to create, read, update, and delete realms using the RESTful APIs:

  • Under the /json/realms endpoint, you find the newer JSON-based API:

    The following sections cover this JSON-based API.

    • Section2., "Default Parameters for Realms"

    • Section2., "Creating Realms"

    • Section2., "Reading Realms"

    • Section2., "Listing Realms"

    • Section2., "Updating Realms"

    • Section2., "Deleting Realms" Parameters for Realms

Realms have a number of fields entered with the default loading. The following table provides information on what the default realm settings are, and whether they can be updated, added, or deleted when updating a realm.

Table2.10.Realm Parameters for JSON-based API

Realm ParameterDefaultPurpose
realmNone - the only required field to add a realm

The name of the realm

Example: myRealm


The status of the realm

Active or Inactive


Any applicable aliases associated with the realm. Be aware that an alias can only be used once. Entering an alias used by another realm will remove the alias from that realm and you will lose configuration.


serviceNamessunAMAuthHOTPService iPlanetAMAuthConfiguration sunAMAuthFederationService sunIdentityRepositoryService iPlanetAMPolicyConfigService iPlanetAMAuthService iPlanetAMAuthLDAPService sunAMAuthDataStoreService sunAMAuthSAEService sunAMDelegationService sunAMAuthWSSAuthModuleService iPlanetAMAuthOATHService Services needed for the realm, including authentication modules Realms

OpenAM lets administrators create a realm by making an HTTP POST of the JSON representation of the profile to /json/realms/?_action=create.

You can create realms using an HTTP POST of the JSON representation of the profile to /json/realms/?_action=create, as shown in the following example. The only required data field is realm:

$ curl \ --request POST \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...2NzEz*" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{ "realm": "myRealm" }' \{"realmCreated":"/myRealm"} 


Do not use the names of OpenAM REST endpoints as the name of a realm. The OpenAM REST endpoint names that should not be used includes: users, groups, realms, policies and applications.

You can also set the sunOrganizationAliases parameter, but it can only be assigned to one realm (usually the top level realm). Before setting this parameter, make sure it is not already assigned elsewhere. If you remove it from another realm, you will lose your configuration.

Alternatively, administrators can create realms by the specific realm name using the HTTP PUT of the JSON representation of the changes to /json/realms/realm-id, as shown in the following example:

$ curl \ --request PUT \ --header "If-None-Match: *" \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...2NzEz*" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{ }' \ { "realmCreated": "/myRealm" } 

OpenAM returns an HTTP 201 Created status code, and the JSON representation of the realm on success. On failure, OpenAM returns a JSON representation of the error including the HTTP status code. For example, if the If-None-Match header with a value of * is absent, an HTTP 404 Not Found status code is returned. Realms

OpenAM lets administrators read realms by requesting an HTTP GET on /json/realms/realm-id. This allows administrators to review all active realm services for the realm, like policy configuration and modules. If users or administrators see missing information (such as Active status) or incorrect information, they can write down the correct information and add it using Section2., "Updating Realms".

The following example shows an administrator receiving information about a realm called myRealm:

$ curl \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...2NzEz*" \{ "serviceNames":[ "sunAMAuthHOTPService", "iPlanetAMAuthConfiguration", "sunAMAuthFederationService", "sunIdentityRepositoryService", "iPlanetAMPolicyConfigService", "iPlanetAMAuthService", "iPlanetAMAuthLDAPService", "sunAMAuthDataStoreService", "sunAMAuthSAEService", "sunAMDelegationService", "sunAMAuthWSSAuthModuleService", "iPlanetAMAuthOATHService" ]} 

As shown in the example, OpenAM returns the JSON representation of the profile on success. On failure, OpenAM returns a JSON representation of the error including the HTTP status code.

To read the top-level realm, use toplevelrealm with the realms endpoint:

$ curl \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...2NzEz*" \{ "serviceNames" : [ "sunAMAuthFederationService", "sunEntitlementIndexes", "iPlanetAMAuthService", "sunAMAuthDataStoreService", "sunAMAuthWSSAuthModuleService", "sunAMDelegationService", "iPlanetAMAuthOATHService", "iPlanetAMAuthConfiguration", "sunAMAuthHOTPService", "sunIdentityRepositoryService", "iPlanetAMPolicyConfigService", "iPlanetAMAuthLDAPService", "sunEntitlementService", "iPlanetAMPolicyService", "sunAMAuthSAEService", "AgentService" ]} 

If the realm you want to read is not an immediate subrealm of the top-level realm, specify its parent realm to the left of realms in the URL, and specify the realm's final qualifier to the right of realms. For example, to read the /myRealm/myRealmsChildRealm realm:

$ curl \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...2NzEz*" \{ "serviceNames" : [ "sunAMAuthHOTPService", "iPlanetAMAuthConfiguration", "sunAMAuthFederationService", "sunIdentityRepositoryService", "iPlanetAMPolicyConfigService", "iPlanetAMAuthService", "iPlanetAMAuthLDAPService", "sunAMAuthDataStoreService", "sunAMAuthSAEService", "sunAMDelegationService", "sunAMAuthWSSAuthModuleService", "iPlanetAMAuthOATHService" ]} Realms

To list a realm and its subrealms, perform an HTTP GET on the endpoint, set the _queryFilter query string parameter as in the following example, which lists the top-level realm and all of its subrealms:

 $ curl \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \ { "result" : [ "/", "/myRealm", "/myRealm/myRealmsChildRealm" ], "resultCount" : 3, "pagedResultsCookie" : null, "remainingPagedResults" : -1 } 

You can start listing realms from below the top-level realm by placing the starting realm name in the URL. The following example lists the realm myRealm and all of its subrealms:

$ curl \ --header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \ { "result" : [ "/myRealm", "/myRealm/myRealmsChildRealm" ], "resultCount" : 2, "pagedResultsCookie" : null, "remainingPagedResults" : -1 } Realms

OpenAM lets administrators update realms. To update a realm, do an HTTP PUT of the JSON representation of the changes to /json/realms/realm-id.

The following example shows how to update a realm called myRealm. The example command sets the realm's status to Inactive:

$ curl \ --request PUT \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5...Y3MTAx*" \ --header "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{ "sunOrganizationStatus": "Inactive" }' \ 

OpenAM returns the JSON representation of the profile on success. On failure, OpenAM returns a JSON representation of the error including the HTTP status code. Realms

OpenAM lets administrators delete a realm by making an HTTP DELETE call to /json/realms/realm-id.

The following example deletes a realm called myRealm. The top level realm cannot be deleted. Only administrators should delete realms. The name of the realm is the only field required to delete the realm.

Make sure that you do not have any information you need within a realm before deleting it. Once a realm is deleted, the only way to restore it is to return to a backed up deployment of OpenAM:

$ curl \ --request DELETE \ --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...2NzEz*" \{"success":"true"} 

On success, OpenAM returns a JSON object indicating success. On failure, OpenAM returns a JSON representation of the error including the HTTP status code.

If the realm you want to delete is not an immediate subrealm of the top-level realm, specify its parent realm to the left of realms in the URL, and specify the realm's final qualifier to the right of realms. For example, to delete the /myRealm/myRealmsChildRealm realm:

 $ curl \ --request DELETE --header "iplanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5w...2NzEz*" \ { "success":"true" } 

2.1.6.RESTful Script Management

This section shows you how to manage scripts used for client-side and server-side scripted authentication, custom policy conditions, and handling OpenID Connect claims by using the REST API.

For information on managing scripts by using the OpenAM console, see Chapter22, "Managing Scripts" in the Administration Guide. For information on configuring script settings, see Section1.4.17, "Scripting" in the Reference.

OpenAM provides the scripts REST endpoint for the following:

  • Section2.1.6.1, "Querying Scripts"

  • Section2.1.6.2, "Reading a Script"

  • Section2.1.6.3, "Validating a Script"

  • Section2.1.6.4, "Creating a Script"

  • Section2.1.6.5, "Updating a Script"

  • Section2.1.6.6, "Deleting a Script"

User-created scripts are realm-specific, hence the URI for the scripts' API can contain a realm component, such as /json{/realm}/scripts. If the realm is not specified in the URI, the top level realm is used.


OpenAM includes some global example scripts that can be used in any realm.

Scripts are represented in JSON and take the following form. Scripts are built from standard JSON objects and values (strings, numbers, objects, sets, arrays, true, false, and null). Each script has a system-generated universally unique identifier (UUID), which must be used when modifying existing scripts. Renaming a script will not affect the UUID:

{ "_id": "7e3d7067-d50f-4674-8c76-a3e13a810c33", "name": "Scripted Module - Server Side", "description": "Default global script for server side Scripted Authentication Module", "script": "dmFyIFNUQVJUX1RJ...", "language": "JAVASCRIPT", "context": "AUTHENTICATION_SERVER_SIDE", "createdBy": "id=dsameuser,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "creationDate": 1433147666269, "lastModifiedBy": "id=dsameuser,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "lastModifiedDate": 1433147666269}

The values for the fields shown in the example above are explained below:


The UUID that OpenAM generates for the script.


The name provided for the script.


An optional text string to help identify the script.


The source code of the script. The source code is in UTF-8 format and encoded into Base64.

For example, a script such as the following:

var a = 123;var b = 456;

When encoded into Base64 becomes:


The language the script is written in - JAVASCRIPT or GROOVY.

Table2.11.Language Support per Context

Script ContextSupported Languages


The context type of the script.

Supported values are:


Policy Condition


Server-side Authentication


Client-side Authentication


Client-side scripts must be written in JavaScript.


OIDC Claims


A string containing the universal identifier DN of the subject that created the script.


An integer containing the creation date and time, in ISO 8601 format.


A string containing the universal identifier DN of the subject that most recently updated the resource type.

If the script has not been modified since it was created, this property will have the same value as createdBy.


A string containing the last modified date and time, in ISO 8601 format.

If the script has not been modified since it was created, this property will have the same value as creationDate. Scripts

To list all the scripts in a realm, as well as any global scripts, perform an HTTP GET to the /json{/realm}/scripts endpoint with a _queryFilter parameter set to true.


If the realm is not specified in the URL, OpenAM returns scripts in the top level realm, as well as any global scripts.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an Administrator user who has access to perform the operation:

$ curl \--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \{ "result": [ { "_id": "9de3eb62-f131-4fac-a294-7bd170fd4acb", "name": "Scripted Policy Condition", "description": "Default global script for Scripted Policy Conditions", "script": "LyoqCiAqIFRoaXMg...", "language": "JAVASCRIPT", "context": "POLICY_CONDITION", "createdBy": "id=dsameuser,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "creationDate": 1433147666269, "lastModifiedBy": "id=dsameuser,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "lastModifiedDate": 1433147666269 }, { "_id": "7e3d7067-d50f-4674-8c76-a3e13a810c33", "name": "Scripted Module - Server Side", "description": "Default global script for server side Scripted Authentication Module", "script": "dmFyIFNUQVJUX1RJ...", "language": "JAVASCRIPT", "context": "AUTHENTICATION_SERVER_SIDE", "createdBy": "id=dsameuser,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "creationDate": 1433147666269, "lastModifiedBy": "id=dsameuser,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "lastModifiedDate": 1433147666269 } ], "resultCount": 2, "pagedResultsCookie": null, "remainingPagedResults": -1}

Additional query strings can be specified to alter the returned results. For more information, see Section2.1.1.6, "Filtering, Sorting, and Paging Results".

Table2.12.Supported _queryFilter Fields and Operators

FieldSupported Operators
_id Equals (eq), Contains (co), Starts with (sw)
name Equals (eq), Contains (co), Starts with (sw)
description Equals (eq), Contains (co), Starts with (sw)
script Equals (eq), Contains (co), Starts with (sw)
language Equals (eq), Contains (co), Starts with (sw)
context Equals (eq), Contains (co), Starts with (sw) a Script

To read an individual script in a realm, perform an HTTP GET using the /json{/realm}/scripts endpoint, specifying the UUID in the URL.


To read a script in the top-level realm, or to read a built-in global script, do not specify a realm in the URL.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an Administrator user who has access to perform the operation:

$ curl \--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \{ "_id": "9de3eb62-f131-4fac-a294-7bd170fd4acb", "name": "Scripted Policy Condition", "description": "Default global script for Scripted Policy Conditions", "script": "LyoqCiAqIFRoaXMg...", "language": "JAVASCRIPT", "context": "POLICY_CONDITION", "createdBy": "id=dsameuser,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "creationDate": 1433147666269, "lastModifiedBy": "id=dsameuser,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "lastModifiedDate": 1433147666269} a Script

To validate a script, perform an HTTP POST using the /json{/realm}/scripts endpoint, with an _action parameter set to validate. Include a JSON representation of the script and the script language, JAVASCRIPT or GROOVY, in the POST data.

The value for script must be in UTF-8 format and then encoded into Base64.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an Administrator user who has access to perform the operation:

$ curl \--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--request POST \--data '{ "script": "dmFyIGEgPSAxMjM7dmFyIGIgPSA0NTY7Cg==", "language": "JAVASCRIPT"}' \{ "success": true}

If the script is valid the JSON response contains a success key with a value of true.

If the script is invalid the JSON response contains a success key with a value of false, and an indication of the problem and where it occurs, as shown below:

$ curl \--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--request POST \--data '{ "script": "dmFyIGEgPSAxMjM7dmFyIGIgPSA0NTY7ID1WQUxJREFUSU9OIFNIT1VMRCBGQUlMPQo=", "language": "JAVASCRIPT"}' \{ "success": false, "errors": [ { "line": 1, "column": 27, "message": "syntax error" } ]} a Script

To create a script in a realm, perform an HTTP POST using the /json{/realm}/scripts endpoint, with an _action parameter set to create. Include a JSON representation of the script in the POST data.

The value for script must be in UTF-8 format and then encoded into Base64.


If the realm is not specified in the URL, OpenAM creates the script in the top level realm.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an Administrator user who has access to perform the operation:

$ curl \--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--request POST \--data '{ "name": "MyJavaScript", "script": "dmFyIGEgPSAxMjM7CnZhciBiID0gNDU2Ow==", "language": "JAVASCRIPT", "context": "POLICY_CONDITION", "description": "An example script"}' \{ "_id": "0168d494-015a-420f-ae5a-6a2a5c1126af", "name": "MyJavaScript", "description": "An example script", "script": "dmFyIGEgPSAxMjM7CnZhciBiID0gNDU2Ow==", "language": "JAVASCRIPT", "context": "POLICY_CONDITION", "createdBy": "id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "creationDate": 1436807766258, "lastModifiedBy": "id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "lastModifiedDate": 1436807766258} a Script

To update an individual script in a realm, perform an HTTP PUT using the /json{/realm}/scripts endpoint, specifying the UUID in both the URL and the PUT body. Include a JSON representation of the updated script in the PUT data, alongside the UUID.


If the realm is not specified in the URL, OpenAM uses the top level realm.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an Administrator user who has access to perform the operation:

$ curl \--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--request PUT \--data '{ "name": "MyUpdatedJavaScript", "script": "dmFyIGEgPSAxMjM7CnZhciBiID0gNDU2Ow==", "language": "JAVASCRIPT", "context": "POLICY_CONDITION", "description": "An updated example script configuration"}' \{ "_id": "0168d494-015a-420f-ae5a-6a2a5c1126af", "name": "MyUpdatedJavaScript", "description": "An updated example script configuration", "script": "dmFyIGEgPSAxMjM7CnZhciBiID0gNDU2Ow==", "language": "JAVASCRIPT", "context": "POLICY_CONDITION", "createdBy": "id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "creationDate": 1436807766258, "lastModifiedBy": "id=amadmin,ou=user,dc=openam,dc=forgerock,dc=org", "lastModifiedDate": 1436808364681} a Script

To delete an individual script in a realm, perform an HTTP DELETE using the /json{/realm}/scripts endpoint, specifying the UUID in the URL.


If the realm is not specified in the URL, OpenAM uses the top level realm.

The iPlanetDirectoryPro header is required and should contain the SSO token of an Administrator user who has access to perform the operation:

$ curl \--request DELETE \--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \{}

2.1.7.RESTful Troubleshooting Information Recording

This section shows you how to start, stop, and get the status of a troubleshooting recording event using the REST API.

OpenAM provides the /json/records REST endpoint for the following:

  • Starting a recording event. See Section2.1.7.1, "Starting a Recording Event".

  • Getting the status of a recording event. See Section2.1.7.2, "Getting the Status of a Recording Event".

  • Stopping a recording event. See Section2.1.7.3, "Stopping a Recording Event".

You must authenticate to OpenAM as an administrative user to obtain an SSO token prior to calling the /json/records REST endpoint. You then pass the SSO token in the iPlanetDirectoryPro header as proof of authentication.

You can also record troubleshooting information by using the ssoadm command. For more information, see Section24.5, "Recording Troubleshooting Information" in the Administration Guide.


The curl command output in the examples in this section is indented for ease of reading. The actual output is not indented, and the actions available from the /json/records endpoint do not support the _prettyPrint parameter. a Recording Event

To start a recording event, perform an HTTP POST using the /json/records endpoint, specifying the _action=start parameter in the URL. Specify a JSON payload identical in format to the input file for the ssoadm start-recording command, as described in Section24.5.2, "The Recording Control File" in the Administration Guide:

$ curl \--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--request POST \--data ' { "issueID": 103572, "referenceID": "policyEvalFails", "description": "Troubleshooting artifacts in support of case 103572", "zipEnable": true, "configExport": { "enable": true, "password": "5x2RR70", "sharePassword": false }, "debugLogs": { "debugLevel": "MESSAGE", "autoStop": { "time": { "timeUnit": "SECONDS", "value": 15 }, "fileSize": { "sizeUnit": "GB", "value": 1 } } }, "threadDump" : { "enable": true, "delay" : { "timeUnit": "SECONDS", "value": 5 } } }' \{ "recording":true, "record":{ "issueID":103572, "referenceID":"policyEvalFails", "description":"Troubleshooting artifacts in support of case 103572", "zipEnable":true, "threadDump":{ "enable":true, "delay":{ "timeUnit":"SECONDS", "value":5 } }, "configExport":{ "enable":true, "password":"xxxxxx", "sharePassword":false }, "debugLogs":{ "debugLevel":"message", "autoStop":{ "time":{ "timeUnit":"MILLISECONDS", "value":15000 }, "fileSize":{ "sizeUnit":"KB", "value":1048576 } } }, "status":"RUNNING", "folder":"/opt/demo/openam/config/openam/debug/record/103572/policyEvalFails/" }} the Status of a Recording Event

To get the status of a recording event, perform an HTTP POST using the /json/records endpoint, specifying the _action=status parameter in the URL:

$ curl \--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--request POST \

If there is no active recording event, the following output appears:

{ "recording":false}

If there is an active recording event, output similar to the following appears:

{ "recording":true, "record":{ "issueID":103572, "referenceID":"policyEvalFails", "description":"Troubleshooting artifacts in support of case 103572", "zipEnable":true, "threadDump":{ "enable":true, "delay":{ "timeUnit":"SECONDS", "value":5 } }, "configExport":{ "enable":true, "password":"xxxxxx", "sharePassword":false }, "debugLogs":{ "debugLevel":"message", "autoStop":{ "time":{ "timeUnit":"MILLISECONDS", "value":15000 }, "fileSize":{ "sizeUnit":"KB", "value":1048576 } } }, "status":"RUNNING", "folder":"/opt/demo/openam/config/openam/debug/record/103572/policyEvalFails/" }} a Recording Event

To stop a recording event, perform an HTTP POST using the /json/records endpoint, specifying the _action=stop parameter in the URL:

$ curl \--header "iPlanetDirectoryPro: AQIC5..." \--header "Content-Type: application/json" \--request POST \

If there is no active recording event, OpenAM returns a 400 error code.

If there is an active recording event, output similar to the following appears:

{ "recording":false, "record":{ "issueID":103572, "referenceID":"policyEvalFails", "description":"Troubleshooting artifacts in support of case 103572", "zipEnable":true, "threadDump":{ "enable":true, "delay":{ "timeUnit":"SECONDS", "value":5 } }, "configExport":{ "enable":true, "password":"xxxxxx", "sharePassword":false }, "debugLogs":{ "debugLevel":"message", "autoStop":{ "time":{ "timeUnit":"MILLISECONDS", "value":15000 }, "fileSize":{ "sizeUnit":"KB", "value":1048576 } } }, "status":"STOPPED", "folder":"/opt/demo/openam/config/openam/debug/record/103572/policyEvalFails/" }}
OpenAM 13 > Developer's Guide (2024)


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