Yellow Squash Fritters Recipe - Healthy Recipes Blog (2024)

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Last updated: · Recipes developed by Vered DeLeeuw and nutritionally reviewed by Rachel Benight MS, RD · This website generates income via ads and uses cookies.

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Delicious yellow squash fritters make a great alternative to hash browns. They are wonderfully crispy and flavorful!

Ready in about 30 minutes, they make the perfect side dish, but they are also substantial enough to serve as your main course.

Yellow Squash Fritters Recipe - Healthy Recipes Blog (1)

I always loved fried foods. One of my biggest concerns, when I cleaned up my diet, was that I would no longer be able to enjoy them.

But as time goes by, I'm discovering that there are plenty of tasty recipes for fried foods that are low carb, keto, and gluten-free. You just need to find low-starch alternatives to starchy fried food. These yellow squash fritters are a great example. Kale fritters are another one.

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You'll only need a few simple ingredients to make these tasty fritters. The exact measurements are included in the recipe card below. Here's an overview of what you'll need:

Yellow squash: I use a 1-lb. squash and I leave it unpeeled.

Onion: It's easy to chop it in your food processor.

Egg: I use large eggs in most of my recipes, this one included.

Kosher salt and black pepper: If using fine salt, you should reduce the amount you use, or the fritters could end up too salty.

Garlic powder: You can also use fresh minced garlic.

Butter: I use it for frying. Oil works too, but butter is more flavorful, in my opinion.


Making these yellow squash fritters is so easy! Scroll down to the recipe card for detailed instructions. Here are the basic steps:

You start by shredding the squash in your food processor, then drain it on clean towels. You can also grate it by hand.

Next, chop the onion and drain.

Whisk the egg with salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Mix in the squash and the onion.

Fry spoonfuls of the mixture in butter, for about 4 minutes per side over medium heat.

Yellow Squash Fritters Recipe - Healthy Recipes Blog (2)

Expert tip

Lacking the starch in potatoes, these fritters are flimsy and delicate. So take great care when flipping them and when removing them from the skillet into a serving plate.

The more water you get out of the squash and onion, the sturdier they will be. You can also try adding flour (if you don’t mind the gluten and carbs) or coconut flour to absorb extra liquid – try 2 tablespoons of coconut flour or ¼ cup of all-purpose flour.

Frequently asked questions

Are they as good as potato pancakes?

Almost. They are the perfect alternative to potato pancakes or baked latkes. I make them often in the summer when yellow squash is abundant.

They taste great, but they are obviously not the same as potato pancakes, and their texture is also different - they are quite delicate.

Should I peel the skin off?

It's up to you, but I don't. The skin of yellow squash - just like the skin of zucchini - is edible. It's also thin and delicate, so it shouldn't interfere with the fritters' texture.

In what fat should I fry them?

I use butter. Olive oil is a tasty alternative, but if you're worried about its relatively low smoke point, you can use avocado oil instead. I do find that butter is the most flavorful.


The main way to vary this recipe is by adding herbs, fresh or dried. Good options include thyme and oregano. Try two tablespoons of any minced fresh herb or ¼ teaspoon of any dried herb.

You can also add some dry-grated parmesan cheese to the mixture. Try ¼ cup.

Serving suggestions

These fritters are very versatile and go with lots of main courses. But since they require frying, which is a fairly demanding task, I like to serve them with a hands-off baked main course.

So I often serve them with baked chicken thighs, baked chicken wings, or baked shrimp.

Storing leftovers

If you have leftovers, you can keep them in an airtight container in the fridge for 3-4 days.

You can reheat them in the microwave on 50% power, or in a 250F oven. They are also good cold, straight out of the fridge!

Yellow Squash Fritters Recipe - Healthy Recipes Blog (3)
  • Cauliflower Fritters
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Recipe Card

Yellow Squash Fritters

These tasty yellow squash fritters make a great alternative to hash browns.

Prep Time10 minutes mins

Cook Time20 minutes mins

Total Time30 minutes mins

Course: Side Dish

Cuisine: American

Servings: 4 servings

Calories: 102kcal

Author: Vered DeLeeuw


  • 1 lb. yellow squash unpeeled
  • ½ medium onion (4 oz)
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 teaspoon Diamond Crystal kosher salt or ½ teaspoon of fine salt
  • ¼ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter for frying


  • Shred the squash in yourfood processor using the shredding attachment. Place on clean towels and allow to drain for 10 minutes. You can also grate the squash by hand.

  • Finely chop the onion. Place it in a colander to drain for 10 minutes.

  • Heat a large nonstick skillet over medium heat for about 5 minutes.

  • In a medium bowl, whisk the egg with salt, black pepper, and garlic powder. Add the grated squash and the onion and mix to blend.

  • Brush the skillet with half of the butter. Measuring ¼ cup per fritter, spoon the mixture onto the skillet. Fry without moving for 4-5 minutes, until you can see that the bottoms are browned.

  • Carefully flip to the other side and fry for 4-5 more minutes, until browned on both sides. Brush the skillet with more butter and repeat with the remaining squash mixture.



Lacking starch, these fritters are quite fragile, so flip them very carefully. The more water you get out of the squash and onion, the sturdier they will be.

You can also try adding flour (if you don’t mind the gluten) or coconut flour to absorb the extra liquid. Try 2 tablespoons of coconut flour or (if you don't mind the gluten and carbs) ¼ cup of all-purpose flour.

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Nutrition per Serving

Serving: 3fritters | Calories: 102kcal | Carbohydrates: 7g | Protein: 4g | Fat: 7g | Sodium: 304mg | Fiber: 2g


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Cup measurements refer to the standard American cup, which is 240 milliliters. Most of my recipes are low-carb (or keto) and gluten-free, but some are not. Please verify that a recipe fits your needs before using it. Recommended and linked products are not guaranteed to be gluten-free. Nutrition info is approximate, and the carb count excludes non-nutritive sweeteners. Nutrition info may contain errors, so please verify it independently. Recipes may contain errors, so please use your common sense when following them. Please read these Terms of Use carefully before using any of my recipes.

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About the Author

Yellow Squash Fritters Recipe - Healthy Recipes Blog (19) Vered DeLeeuw, LL.M., CNC, has been following a low-carb real-food diet and blogging about it since 2011. She's a Certified Nutrition Coach (NASM-CNC), has taken courses at the Harvard School of Public Health, and has earned a Nutrition and Healthy Living Certificate from Cornell University. Her work has appeared in several major media outlets, including Healthline, HuffPost, Today, Women's Health, Shape, and Country Living. Click to learn more about Vered.

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Yellow Squash Fritters Recipe - Healthy Recipes Blog (2024)


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